Prue's South East Asia Travels
Woke up feeling like death with Rikki covered in stickers and the cleaners hurrying us out of bed and into the showers so they can clean up.. Breakfast time we went and ordered a huge feast and sat like fat pigs on the sofa's for a few hours until we mustered enough courage to move onto camera shopping for Liam. Each in our own weird state, we ended up back at the hostel snuggled up on the couch watching 2012 (ps worst movie ever).. Siobhan couldn't sit still as she was off ringing and emailing people.. Delicious almond cake for afternoon tea from the little French place, then onto the overnight sleeper bus (but not without a beer and a valium J) M&M's for desert, the 3 backrow bandits united to begin the 20 hr journey to Hoi An ...
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