This is my first blog from Khao Lak!!
Now somethings just fall into place... This is the recap of my first week here...
I arrived in Khao lak, straight from the airport and checked into a bungalow that i have stayed in before and crashed! The next morning I woke early and went for a walk along the street to start looking for a home for the next 7 months.... Not too much luck, everything seemed to be pretty steap for what you get. In the afternoon i was back at my temporary bungalow on the internet and a friend and fellow DMT fm last year was online.... Next thing i knew we were having lunch at the 'corner shop' catching up on old times! news was pretty grim from Cato, she had been here in Khao lak for 10 days and job hunting was much harder than she first anticipated! blah blah blah and so it went on for 3 hours and my enthusiasm was fading quickly.... then along walked Marcel (the co owner of wicked diving), we met and he was very nice and hopeful for us getting freelance work with wicked and he offered for us to come of the staff trip on the parinee to test out the boat and get in the water!!! So thats one bit of awesome news! next thing i asked the owners of the 'corner shop' if there was any good acomm around and guess what; they showed us the place we now have! A little self contained bungalow with hot water... 2 rooms... a kitchen... verandah... 2 wardrobes and just 1 minutes walk from where i lived last year! so I obviously accepted and cato agreed to share with me for the season and yeah.... in 1 day i had a free day diving, a home and a roomie! soooo damn lucky!
The next day we picked up the keys... hired 2 motorbikes and headed to the next town Bang Niang to go homewears shopping! we needed to buy a a complete gas stove, pots, pans, cutlery, plates, rice cooker, a matrice, sheets, bathroom stuff, food etc.. we found it all! and came home and set it all up! Our first meal at home was a red thai curry with squid and vegetables! yummo! its been awesome...
so the initail outlay was quite expensive... the place to rent per month in 7000 baht between us which is $115 each per month! for all the homewears and bedding and food was around 3500baht each.... so since then i havnt eaten out at all... we have cooked every night and bought cheap beers from 7/11.... so i think im going to be living very cheaply here! whioch is nice....
Sop the next step for be has been writing a resume and dropping it off at all the dive centres around town... its been a hard slog but hopefully something will come up! My plan is to be a freelancer here, being on call for any company that needs a dive or snorkle guide! i know the sites, i have experience and having wicked diving on my resume for my Dive master training is a very good thing. The season offically begins Nov 1 so there is no work yet....Feedback from the dive shops has been this.... "we have our permenant staff already, we may be looking for a freelancer when the season gets busier, so give me your resume and we will call you when we have work"..... its a bit of sting in the butt but i really have to work at it and hold out... keep positive! I have a good relationship with Wicked diving so they are a great company here in Khao Lak so they said that if a dive shop is looking for a freelance (which happens) they will refer me for sure! so that will be cool! fingers crossed!
So days lately have been spend walking the streets handing out cv's in the morning and beaching in the afternoon! thereal push will start on the 1st of Nov where i will have to go around again and again to all the dive shops! arghhhh. but needs to be done!!!
So thats my life up to date! stay in touch everyone and make sure u send me an email and klet me know what ur upto!!
- comments
shweta I love to love you! With your madness and will be no time until you are the hot damn lil DM that everyone's talkin bout'!!