I've just read your posts about Yunnan - thanks for the great stories and excellent info! And for taking the time to put it all together.
Me and 2 other friends are going to Yunnan in September and we're seriously thinking about doing either Bingzhongluo or Yubeng. Or both. I speak basic Chinese, so getting around won't be an issue. Do you have any more pictures of that area? If so, we'd love to see them
Nigel K Ponting
Hi Pru!,
I was just planning my next trip to Asia for this year, exploring different places, and came across your blog. You have been to some amazing places.
I thought to myself I know this girl, so looked through your pics, and yes it is you! my diving guide on the Manta. You loved showing me all the small colourful slugs on the sea bed and I was only interested in the big stuff, remember?
I wonder if you do remember me as you probably meet loads of people, but I'm Nigel. I was on the Manta Queen last April sailing out of Koh Lak.
I hope you are keeping well and having fun. Looks like you are still with Becks, which must be good?
Lots of Love
We are going to go to Ganzi this October.
We heard about the road between Xinlong and Litang is really bad. Do you know how long does it take to travel between those places?
Any checkpoint along the road and is it easy to find taxi or van in those towns?
We really need your advice. Looking forward to hear from you soon
hi pruey , well its taken me awhile to read all your news of where your been and where your going . I am so proud of you completing the dive master course makes me want to do more diving. Im off to Bali in august and will dive there Melb is still too cold . The trip to China sounds a bit of a challenge glad you have a friend to go with. Its suppose to be amazing on the silk route. All ok back here in seaford girls all ok and say hello to u prob on face book. Take care , take more photos they are great to see, love u Pam xx
Dear Prue
Could you ring me on office number or your Dad please about the credit card?
Hey Sis
Hope you had a fab day in the sun. We havent seen the sun in Brissy for a couple of weeks - the back shed flooded last week ;o
We have a phone for you with a new sim card - you will have to give us Ricki's number so we can give it to her to give to you in January.
We booked our honeymoon last weekend, decided to put off Europe until September/October and instead head over to Thailand for 2 weeks - your inpiring blogs have me wanting to jump on a plane and head over.
Hope your having a blast and starting to relax and explore the area. When does your dive masters finish? When are you heading to KL??
Have a Tiger for me!!
xox Steff and Jeff
Hi gorgeous,
Havent heard from you since you left. I know your mobile is down, but ps send me an email - or ring on that antiquated object called a 'land line'. Want to hear your voice!!
Your blog keeps me in touch - love that you've settled into Island life again, meeting fellow travellers, getting up to mischief and having a ball diving. Also loved seeing your Aussie towel fluttering in the breeze over your balcony.
Life here on Island is drifting closer to Christmas...having a party at our place on Chrissie day, spent last night with friends organising how we were going to smuggle ham, frozen turky and kilos of prawns onto the airplane to get them here for XMAS day...could be interesting! Work is crazy hectic, at the moment I'm HR Manager, Superintendent of Training and Dev and sole recruiter for 71 positions on Eyland WOW! Jessie is keeping me sane-we have some belly laughs where we both end up in tears and the whole administration block can here us and think we are crazy. Phil is up on Eylandt at present, before he flies back to Brissie for last stint before Christmas. Looking forward to a break over Chris and the New Year. Puppies are well although Penny is starting to become a 'barker'. She ddrives me nuts sometimes with her demands for walks to the beach. We havent been going lately because there are two 3 metre crocs hanging out in a lagoon on the edge of the golfcourse we the pups usually have a swim. I think the crocs are nesting. I wish the rangers would shoot the f**ing things, instead they put a cage trap out in the water about 50 metres off shore, and bait it with meat. Its been out there for 3 weeks now and the crocs arent going anywhere near it - der!! Crocs can smell a trap a mile off!.
Anyways, weather is warm, building up for the wet season. We are being reminded daily to prepare for cyclones (this summer is forcasted to be a big cyclone season - same ocean temp and weather conditions as 1974 when cyclone tracey hit Darwin). We need to clean the camping gear out of the cyclone shelter and stock up dehydrated food, batteries etc. Could be fun clambering down the trapdoor in our bedroom floor, to take up residence in our shelter until a cyclone passes! :)
Pa has been in hospital for the past week and a half. He caught a chill when we were out on their last night in Brissie (at the restaurant), and apparently had a heart turn. He was very sick for a while there and has lost 10kilos. Gran was tired running to and from the hospital. he came home yesterday and Gran is happy to have him home. Don't worry about him, he is doing fine and on the road to recovery. i think Steff and jeff are going to visit next weekend to make sure they are OK.
All the news from AUS, time to go and hang the washing out. Love to you and take it easy on the Chang...nothing worse than a Changover!!
Hey Sis
I am so excited for you reading your blogs makes me crave travelling. Glad your having a ball!!
Miss you - we should organise a skype soon
Love Steff
Tony And Deb
Hi Prue,
Tony asked me to give you a message as his email is not working. Your mum called and wants to hear from you asap (no problems this end) She received a call last night from overseas and thought it might be connected to you in some way. So could you call her to set her mind at rest? Her email/internet is down so you will need to ring.