We arrived on Koh Lanta the day after staying the night on Maya beach, we travelled with this american guy called brandon who we shared accomodation with that night. On arriving we snorkelled and went and had a look for scuba diving companies, as we heard Koh Lanta was recommended to us by a instructor in Koh Tao. We booked a ship wreck dive and a dive around these small islands off Phi Phi. Unfortunately the next day when we got down to the ship wreck we had to come straight back up become the currents were so strong and visibility so poor. Extremely disappopinted! Our next dive around the islands was much bette, we saw 2 leopard sharks, school of barracuda, sting rays, manta rays, sea horse and a hell of a lot of fish. The nights were fairly quiet onKoh Lanta.
The next day we thrashed around some scooters, it was the forst time i had riden a scooter, werent given a helmut, we had no idea of the speed limit. We wentbeach hunting, some of which are well off the beaten track, we had to go up and down steep pot holed dirt tracks, but was all worth it when we got to amazing beaches with three other people on.
Next day we got a mini van to Malaysia, took about 8 hrs, a couple of hiccups - we planned to go to Langkawi but we were delayed at a ferry crossing because our driver went AWOL for about an hour and a half so instead we had to go to Penang. Also, we had about three changes of mini van along the way and one of them broke down in Trang about 5 mins out of the station, but another came shortly afterwards.
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