I said Sao Paulo, but thats only because I remember driving through Sao Paulo on the way!
We spent 2 days 2 nights completely on the road after Parati. Basically we woke up early, packed up the tents (in the extremely particular way Bella insists we do) and got on the bus. Bella and Heinz are really fussy about so many things and ´eveything on the bus has a place`... I dont care! I put the washing up bowls with the pots instead of the food and for some reason it was an issue... Im a water monkey, which means my job at every campsite is to find a tap and fill up water for washing hands, veggies and dishes... youll see me lugging big buckets of water around sloshing it everywhere! I always soak myself by mistake its quite funny.
Ermm but yeah driving all day is pretty dull. I learnt a new card game called 500 which the aussies taught me. Its all about strategy and I proper picked it up, but mostly I just slept on the bus because I couldnt be bothered with much else.
We stop at a gas station and unpack tables and stuff for lunch, while we were on those travel days my cook team had a lunch dinner and breakfast, which was a hassle but turned out easier than i thought. We cooked cheese pasta with garlic ham and mushrooms for our dinner- it was amazing! I taught Dan and Sophie how to make cheese sauce (thanks Dani!) and ended up washing up so much that even though Id been sleeping all day I just went straight to sleep that night. Everyone thinks its crazy that I know how to look after myself at my age, but it was just cheese sauce and washing up!
Luckily the cook team before us had made a monster amount of pasta salad the day before and because we had planned to do a tuna pasta salad for lunch, we just used their salad and added tuna mayonnaise and sweetcorn. So that was lunch and because we had to leave so early, breakfast was cereal and toast and hot water for tea which isnt hard either. Now our cook team has no more dates til Argentina which is excellent!
We literally camped on the sides of highways at truck stops - putting up tents in the dark is not fun and me and Nat are so useless. Any sign of spiders and we both start running around. And neither of us like getting dirt under our nails so were really funny to watch. This was about a week ago now though so were pretty good now.
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