During my stay, Habitation des Lauriers was nearly full with missionaries, NGO types, and a Bringham Young graduate writing his PhD thesis on Haitian tenant farming in the 1940s. I was the only tourist. After breakfast, the day after my arrival, I struck up a conversation with the American evangelical church band staying at the hotel. One of the chaperones showed me a couple of videos: One of a Haitian woman in the throngs of a demonic possession, and another of their mostly teen band of blondes staying at the hotel singing folksy Christian songs to thousands of Haitian parishioners. Their manager/ mission leader, Dan had been to Haiti 38 times since the earthquake, and he was in another band himself, with CDs no less. I was invited to attend that evening's festivities, and I regretted saying no. I could have witnessed my first demonic possession, as close to voodoo as it gets.
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