Arrived in Kuala Lumpur yesterday 23rd Oct at about 07:00am.
I don't think that any of us slept all that well on the sleeper train. I know that myself and Ric were kept up by some old Asian guy who had the strangest snoring tone ever, it didn't seem feasible that someone could snore in such a manner, he almost repetitively coughed while exhaling..............very strange. I wish I had recorded it now, it was that weird. Ric kept dropping things down the side of the bed to stop him snoring but nothing worked.
After we gathered our things we headed out into KL to find somewhere to stay. After visiting a few places we finally settled on a hostel called Monkee Inn. We are basically in a dorm room with 20 beds (the majority bunk beds), it's alright, we have wifi and free Internet so that is all good even though the Internet is ridiculously slow.
It is still pretty expensive here in KL in comparison to the rest of SE Asia bar Sibgapore. Especially when it comes to booze. Being a Muslim country means that there isn't many locals that participate in the drinking of alcoholic beverages so the tax is pretty ridiculous. We had a pint yesterday 23rd Oct and it cost about £6, pretty hefty ay.
During the day myself, Ric and Jeff explored some of KL whilst searching for the post office, as Ric has had a parcel sent from home with extra clothes and stuff. We left Pauley to sleep :-) he does like a good sleep.
We went on a bit of a wild goose chase across town as the address that Ric had apparently sent it to only sent letters and didn't receive them; so after traipsing all over the shop we finally reached our desired location which in the end turned out to be a stones throw from our hostel.............aaaaaaaargh.
I keep picking up random injuries too. To add to Norman and my feet being cut to shreds, I think I have something lodged in the heel of my left foot, it's pretty painful and tender, so I am walking like a bit of a mincer at the mo :-) I carried out some minor surgery on myself this morning 24th Oct, which basically consisted of me hacking into my foot with a pair of scissors. However i managed to sort things I think, well loads if gunk and stuff came out (nice), so we shall see.
Back to the activities. Once we returned from our trek across town we all had an encounter with a guy from Bangladesh, who was staying in the same dorm room as us, he was a right character, I'm not sure in a good way or not. He was coming up with some right pearlers, Ric was just writing them down in his book because we couldn't believe what we were hearing :-). He was talking about woman in a proper derogatory manor, I think he saw himself as an absolute Casanova, but this guy was big and fat, he had a huge beer gut............nice, that must be what all the women want.............noooooooooot!!!
So after meeting the Guy from Bangladesh who provided us with the nights quotes we headed out to find a Hawker centre to get some cheap grub. These places are amazing, you can eat for a couple of pounds and the food on the whole is pretty awesome. All the locals eat at the Hawker centres which is always a good sign that they are rustling up some wholesome local food. I'd definitely recommend them if anyone were heading here.
After some good food we headed into town to find the cheapest bar possible that was showing the Spurs (scum) vs Everton. We were all looking forward to a bit of normality, there's nothing like a good Premier league game (saying that it was only Spurs and Everton) to make you feel at home. We found a gypsy bar that was selling 5 bottles of Tiger beer for 50 Ringett, which basically works out at a tenner back home, pretty similar to the prices back home too. Anywho this was the cheapest deal we could find so we just sat and enjoyed the game (I say enjoyed, I am talking spurs here).
After watching the Spurs game and after about 5 beers each we headed to a place called The Reggae Bar which is a stones throw from our hostel. All the backpackers go here so we just settled in, met a few people and drank from our 3 litter tower of beer :-). It was a pretty good night, nothing too messy.
Today the 24th, I am still cooching in bed, Ric and Pauley are in the dorm as well and Jeff has just headed out to find some clippers as the hairdressers refused to cut his beard yesterday, so he is resembling a Muslim to a certain extent at the mo :-)
We don't really have any plans for today apart from saving money and watching sport. Gona try and catch the F1 and see Hamilton destroy the Red Bulls, we'll see if that comes to fruition, and then we are going to watch Arsenal smash Man City...........sounds good to me.
We all woke up far to late to get our tickets to the Petronas Towers, apparently you need to get there at say 06:30/07:00 so we or maybe just I will get up early tomorrow and get them, can't miss the towers whilst in KL.
I am blogging a bit more regularly at the mo as I have wifi, so I can just leisurely write a blog from my bed, rather than sat in an internet cafe, which is nice.
I think that we are heading out of KL tomorrow night, to where I do not know. I am enjoying taking a back seat for the first time on my travels, and letting the others arrange our travel plans and they are more than willing to take the helm, trust me :-)
It's really nice being with the boys, I haven't been on my own once thus far during my travels and I really hope that continues in Central America. SE Asia has been awesome thus far though, and meeting with my mates from uni is just the icing on the cake really, and another different travelling experience to enjoy.
I that's all from me for now. Miss you all even though I am having a great time.
Lots of love X
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