Crimbo's Travel Blog
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Bocas del Toro, Panama

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Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
Jamo Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (YAWN)...... How boring is this blog? Only kidding Pistol, just wanna say Merry Christmas mate and I hope you have a good time with your new adopted family. I'm just sitting here at work mentally preparing for the phenomenon that is Christmas eve... I think we're starting at the Dove at 1, it's gonna be carnage. Probably the only day of any worth that you've missed travelling the world trying to discover yourself. Although I could have told you that your a bender for free... I'll see you in the new year mate and we'll get the squash going again, I've got some extra Christmas timber that i'll need to get rid of. Enjoy the rest of your travels and I'll see you in the new year. Merry Christmas.
re: Tulum, MexicoCowumbo You love being harry potter! Bell me again when you get the chance you can regale me with stories from malaysia...
re: Mexico City, MexicoJamie Alright Joe Bloggs! I've been trying to catch up on all your stories Pistol... A bit of a mission as you've gone a bit blog mental but I think i've managed to read most of them... I got about half way through your Never Ending story of Borneo before I got a major case of narcolepsy. It was obviously pretty amazing though... So you're gonna be stopping off at Heathrow soon? I take it you've got withdrawal symptoms from the snarsh? I'd be going a bit mental if I had to go that long without seeing the greatest snarsh of all time as well. Maybe you should grow your own whilst travelling? It would make him proud... Not much to report this end mate... Obviously Tommy's off in the big smoke being an old boy, i've been mute with exams coming up and columbo's doing as much P.I work as he can, what with saving for his big trip n' all... And Prickett? Probably chirpsing some bird to death somewhere... It really has been mute. Hopefully that'll change come December when exams will be finished and I will have money to spend. Anyway, do keep the blogs coming. Look forward to the next one. Jamie
re: Perhentian Islands (Kecil), Malaysialinda Pictures look amazing -how are you ever going to settle back down to a regular life!!!! Missing you loads can't wait for your next blog. xxxxxxxxxxxxx PS is your leg getting better?
re: KK Borneo, Malaysiarone Good stories Pete, the spring rolls sound perfect but I'm not sure the 7hr bus trips are worth it. Keep trekking.
re: Siem Reap, CambodiaNic Hey...! Think we may have crossed paths somewhere in the night as I travelled siem reap to phnom peng...still here :( due to illness...and as yet it's not grown in me!! I dunno, feels like IRS lost it's soul, that comparing to Bangkok and alike,possibly unfair, but like you say oppinion divided! So you flying everywhere?! Jeez where u getting the dollar?!!! Waiting to get on into Vietnam HCMC, but after a week in cities, really can't wait to get out of the smog and chill a bit -Nha Trang will be first beach potential... Had a driver for angkor who took us to the mini killing fields shrine in siem reap...morbid as you say! We held off Angkor for the day last week which was buddist holiday, and went the day after, sunrise was ok, some cloud and major difficult to photograph-bit behind uploading pics but faves were ta phrom and te keo...bit underwhelmed with Angkor if I'm honest! Anyway, just wanted to say to go to take said sick person to the Brit travel clinic - hope and prey it's not dengue....but pretty bad shape...and now petrified I'll get something soon! Over and out chrimbo nic x
re: Siem Reap, Cambodialinda Hi Peter Great blog sounds like you are still having a great time. Just a quick note because I need you to phone me - email isn't working at the mo and I need to give you a phone number because the bank have tried to contact you.
re: Siem Reap, CambodiaJamie Sciiiiiiroccccooooooo.... Pete your blogs are turd, I think you should mention Hellana more! You only mentioned her twice on this one opposed to the 293 times on your last post. Just thought i'd let you know mate, the worlds greatest band, aka "The Break" are calling it a day... The dream is officially over. Gonna be playing our last gig in a couple of weeks, no more slapping da bass for Jamie Old Boy. I'm sure the world will cope though... Look forward to the next blog gay gay. Even if it is "hickeldy pickeldy?" Definitely gay.
re: KO Tao, ThailandHelen Hey just caught up with your blogs after being on holiday. We had a few adventures but nothing like yours and like usual i came back as white as i went! Sounds like your having an amazing time and meeting some really nice people. Looking forward to your next blog and still missing you loads xxxx
re: KO Tao, Thailandlinda Poor you never mind live and learn - look on the bright side sure you'll see some amazing things whilst you're travelling!!! Hope the moon party lives up to the hype -enjoy but take care Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
re: KO Tao, ThailandPhil Haha your funnier in the blog world than the real one bruv ; ) That had me chuckling at work.
re: KO Tao, ThailandPhil Phils Blog: I'm at sucks more than jamo's beacuse he has a company Scirocco! Kind of forgot about this blog and just sent you a message on facebook so no point repeating it. I literally skim every place name though I think hearing them must be easier than reading them surely... Till the next one ping pong x
re: Vang Vieng, LaosNix Sounds super Awesome Petes :) clearly havent touched a SINGLE mushroom im sure ;).... You take care of yourself xx
re: Vang Vieng, Laos- last visited

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Jamo Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (YAWN)...... How boring is this blog? Only kidding Pistol, just wanna say Merry Christmas mate and I hope you have a good time with your new adopted family. I'm just sitting here at work mentally preparing for the phenomenon that is Christmas eve... I think we're starting at the Dove at 1, it's gonna be carnage. Probably the only day of any worth that you've missed travelling the world trying to discover yourself. Although I could have told you that your a bender for free... I'll see you in the new year mate and we'll get the squash going again, I've got some extra Christmas timber that i'll need to get rid of. Enjoy the rest of your travels and I'll see you in the new year. Merry Christmas.