Hello hello,
I am again writing this blog from my iPod, this time sat aboard a coach destined for KL.
(For Pauley, Ric and Jeff) This is a nicer coach than the one on the way here, it is a double decker, no one on it and I have the seat fully reclined, without worrying about crushing anyones legs, it's all good :-). Gona miss you guys loads, had a quality time over the past 8 days, you all look after yourselves, big hugs xxx
Back to the blog. The date is 28th Oct and I have just left the Perhentian Islands and Ric, Pauley and Jeff :-( ............sad times.
Sad times aside, we did have a really good day yesterday. We all went snorkeling for the day, which was really cool. We were swimming with large black tip reef sharks, turtles, shed loads of parrot fish and numerous others. We snorkeled at numerous locations and basically spent all day out on the water for a mere 40 Ringetts (£8), bargainous :-). At our last snorkeling site we started messing around instead of searching for fish :-) diving our way through tight alley ways in and out of the densely packed coral, it was quality. I think that we all ended up with numerous cuts and bruises from the razor sharp coral, but it was all worth it :-)................. boys will be boys haha. I'll just add them to the scars already collected on the trip thus far
- comments
Jamie Alright Joe Bloggs! I've been trying to catch up on all your stories Pistol... A bit of a mission as you've gone a bit blog mental but I think i've managed to read most of them... I got about half way through your Never Ending story of Borneo before I got a major case of narcolepsy. It was obviously pretty amazing though... So you're gonna be stopping off at Heathrow soon? I take it you've got withdrawal symptoms from the snarsh? I'd be going a bit mental if I had to go that long without seeing the greatest snarsh of all time as well. Maybe you should grow your own whilst travelling? It would make him proud... Not much to report this end mate... Obviously Tommy's off in the big smoke being an old boy, i've been mute with exams coming up and columbo's doing as much P.I work as he can, what with saving for his big trip n' all... And Prickett? Probably chirpsing some bird to death somewhere... It really has been mute. Hopefully that'll change come December when exams will be finished and I will have money to spend. Anyway, do keep the blogs coming. Look forward to the next one. Jamie