Drove over the Sydney Harbour Bridge at 10.30 this morning, pretty impressive, but after 10 hours on the coach the Victoria Falls wouldn't even have a thrilling effect on me... well maybe they would!
The driver couldn't tell me where William Street was, nor could his coach driver friend who was a 'Sydney driver': hate to be on his coach! Eventually got the train to Kings Cross and walked from there: the Korean girl from the Coffs Harbour YHA decided to try and book a bed at the same hostel so we went along together, although she had a 25kg suitcase to cart, not the best for rushing around the train station! I must say, it made me appreciate travelling on my own! We made it through the windswept city streets to the hostel, which was above an Irish pub! Nice enough though, seems safe and not too busy.
After setting my stuff down in the room I'm sharing with 2 German girls and a Welsh lady who's here being a tourist after holidaying with her gap year-taking son in Melbourne, I walked out to try and find a tourist information centre. The one on the map said it was near Town Hall: the lady in the YHA office said 'oh no, that doesn't exist any more'. Great. Ended up walking the not-that-far distance to Darling Harbour where a larger tourist information centre was, along with even more wind! The chairs outside Starbucks were being blown away!
Was going to book a trip to the Blue Mountains with YHA, but apparently they only take you out until 3pm, then you're 'free to do what you like in the hostel' until they pick you up at 3 the next day. For $129, I don't think so love! Spent the afternoon ploughing through brochures and leaflets for things to do, there's plenty, and I can take my time. 8 days to kill until New Zealand!
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