Getting off the boat today and helping out with the Mostar tour, well that wasn't the plan, but that's what ended up happening. As it turns out there was a giant c*** up with the Mostar tour (not Sail Croatia's fault) and I ended up sitting in a coffee shop with eleven disgruntled passengers for most of the morning. The Bosnian guys had gotten stuck at the border and ended up running over two hours late, by which point none of the passengers wanted to do the tour any more. We offered them a full refund, but now we had to get them to Split and the boats had already left.
My boss rang me and apologised for all the trouble (apologised? Isn't this what tour leading is?) and then told me I would need to take the passengers on the public bus, apologised again and then said someone would come down to the café I was sitting in and give me some money to get this done and to pay for the passengers coffees and apologised yet again. I told him to stop apologising and that there was no better person to have the passengers stuck with right now, a girl who used to run public transport tours for a living, not to worry and that I would handle it.
The money turned up and I marched the eleven passengers up to the bus station with about four of them saying it was a joke they would have to get the public bus….spoiled brats, I thought. The guys from my boat seemed happy with the solution as they were finally on the move. I got to the bus station and there was a bus to Split in about five minutes, so we didn't have to wait. I got tickets and herded the passengers onto the bus. I got myself a coke and go on myself, everyone was impressed by how calm I was about the situation as they all knew I was training this week. This is by far not the worst thing that's happened to me on tour, I told them. This is a walk in the park for me, I wish my boss had known how easy this particular scenario was for me…he may not have been so worried.
We arrived in Split and I walked everyone back to their respective boats and met my boss who thanked me for my efforts and then we went back to his car for a trip to the police station to get my work permit. The whole way he was telling me what a giant c*** up the Mostar thing was and how stuff like this never happens. I proceeded to tell him about Absolute Africa making me smuggle huge amounts of money over the border with South Africa and Zimbabwe and getting denied boarding on a bus between Russia and Estonia with twelve passengers. At what point do you just look at these situations and think you're going to explode? He said to me, I don't, I said. We arrived at the police station and my boss proceeded to tell me all the things that could go wrong and all the red tape we would have to get through. All the worrying was for nothing though as we pretty much walked in said a few words and they handed it over. Graeme (my boss) gave me a high five outside the police station….I don't think I've ever high fived any boss I've ever had.
When we left, Graeme said I wasn't going to Korcula straight away as planned, but that I was going to be supervising a new crew and new boat for Sail Croatia, the boats name was Naval. Me? Why me? I thought to myself. I've only just finished my training. Then again, I've got more collective experience in tour leading that anyone else I think and they probably want to see if I can handle it.
We were having a meeting to discuss the coming season and Graeme tasked me with going down to the dock and drawing a map of where all out boat were parked so we could direct people at check in tomorrow morning. It was now raining and I managed to find all of them except Maestral who wasn't in yet. I eventually found my new boat, an old class B (floating hostel) with a bright red hull parked about five boats deep. I went to have a look and found that the gap between it and the next boat not aligned properly and a really steep drop and water running off the roof….it looked like a death trap. I didn't really have time to have a look anyway so I headed back for the meeting, which lasted until about 10pm at night and I went to bed straight after.
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