Last night was miserable, all night there were people talking, running up and down stairs, there were mozzies in our room and then there was the toilet that kept flushing its self every 10 mins, we didn't sleep well at all, I woke up at 3am and I had enough, Daniel was awake to and I just said let get up and leave, so we got up and packed all our gear, and went down to the lobby, there was no one there and all the doors to leave were locked and they had our passports, our motorbikes were inside the lobby, so we just strated making lots of noise to try and wake the hotel owners up but it didn't work we weren't going to just sit in the lobby till 7am so I found a hotel card and started calling the numbers on the card and eventually some one answered and a guy came down, we payed the hotel and he opened the door for us but we still needed our passports but this guy didn't know any English, after about 5 mins of me imitating a passport we got our passports and we were off, it was 4 30am and I had to roll start the unicorn shes not used to waking up so early, it felt so good leaving that crappy hotel, and the sun was just beginning to rise, we filled up the tanks and hit the open road, there was no one on the road, we were riding threw the countryside and the temperature was perfect for riding, and all the people were waking up and heading into the rice fields, im pretty glad we stayed in that crappy hotel, because leaving so early allowed us to see such a peaceful side of Vietnam the crazy kamakazi bus drivers were still asleep and we just kept on riding, I knew we were very close to the chinese border and I had written a list of the towns we had to ride threw on my hand so I didn't have to always pull out the map and ask for directions we missed a left and turn and then straight ahead was I think the beginning of the chinese checkpoints, we were quickly told to trun around and go back, we found that trun we missed and we were back on track, the views were becoming more and more stunning and we were now riding over mountains covered in mist and no one else on the road, about 3hours into the ride the road really deteriorated, there was nothing but mud the bikes were sliding all over the place we could not ride and faster then 30km but it was fun out bikes were covered in mud and we were all muddy, but it was so much fun there were cars getting bogged, we were laughing so much at each other sliding all over the road trying to go straight, this road continued for about 15km and then we were back on the main road, it was 9 30 and we were 60 km away from Cao Bang we had some breakfast with some locals who invited us to eat with them and payed for our food, there were real nice, we wondered around some villages along the way but it was now raining and kept on raining for the next 3 hours, we reached Cao Bang at 11 30 and found a hotel we were really muddy. After we checked in we needed a massage, we found a place and they cracked nearly every bone in my body, but I felt brand new after that massage, on the way back to the hotel we meet a farther and son from Canada riding in the same direction we are we had some drinks and had dinner together but before that I took the unicorn to the mechanic, she needed her chain tightened, my exhaust was rattling real bad got that fixed, I got a new gear changing lever, got my bike stand fixed and all this cost me $4, tomorrow we plan to ride west towards Bac Me, we will try and leave earlier again we have lots of mountain passes tomorrow…
- comments
Diana Seems like Tough Mudder prepared you well for a muddy ride overseas