I am now in Bangkok and its been three days since my last blog ill start my blog from Tuesday 19th June, this was my last day in Sieam Reap, Cambodia it was my favourite day in Cambodia I finally found a painting that is worthy to put on my wall but before I explain the painting the day started early 6 30am Kim the Tuc Tuc driver came to pick us up and we had now seen enough temples so we were going to visit a floating village 35km away, when we got there we had to pay a $20 entrance fee which we thought was ridiculous, when we arrived at the village there wasn't much floating it was the dry season and all the houses were built high above the ground on stilts they were all about 8 meters off the ground but there was no water just a small river running threw the town, included in our $20 was a boat ride so we got on the boat and went down stream now because the river is so small there were close to 100 boats anchored along the river and there was hardly any room for our boat to get threw but we went threw the village and got to a large lake where they have loats of fish farms from here we went back up stream got on the Tuc Tuc and left we stopped some place for lunch and on our way back into town we stopped at a few temples after the 2nd temple they were all the same so we jst went back to the hotel. It was nice we had the rest of the afternoon to wonder around the markets and I was after some paintings there a lots and lots of stores selling paintings but they are all the same I was looking for something different I found a really nice old lady and she had a really nice painting of a group of monks she wanted to sell it for $25 and it took me about 20min to get it down to $10 and I wanted to see how low I could get it 20 mins later I got her down to $7 she rolled it up for me and when I went to leave I gave her $10 of the painting we laughed about it and I thought it was worth more than $10, as I was wondering threw the market Daniel saw some girls eating deep fried grass hoppers, so I thought to myself what would bear grylls go, I did feel low on vitamins so they gave me a grass hopper and I ate it I had to spit the head out and apparently you don't eat the legs but the grass hopper its self was pretty tasty we finished off the market and then I was confronted by a lady holding a baby and she said she needed milk to feed the baby, now I know poor lady has no milk for her baby but every night there are people asking for money to buy milk for the baby's, but this was different it was the middle of the day and I asked some one where I can buy formula milk and I got to a pharmacy and got a big tin of powder formula milk and gave it to the lady she didn't need money she really needed milk, I thought she may just sell it but I saw her a few hours later and she had the milk with her. After that I found the painting I been looking for I was walking along the street not even looking at paintings anymore and a man in a wheel chair stopped me, he started showing me some paintings he has made now they looked a lot like all the other paintings that the shops were selling but when I had a closer look his were all different his paintings had a man in a wheel chair drawn in, he had put himself in most of his painting and that's what made it so special I was so glad to meet him he was born with crippled legs and couldn't walk and discovered he could paint and he has been doing this to support his family he was a wife and a baby boy in some of the paintings you can see a man in a wheel chair holding a baby so I bought two painting and payed him twice as much as his asking price I was so glad to find such special paintings for my wall, anyway the rest of the day was spent getting ready for our bus ride to Bangkok.
Wendsday 20th June, we got picked up from our hotel by a tuc tuc driver at 8 30am and got on a big bus that would take us to the Thai border it took about 3 hours to reach the boarder we watched a movie on my lap top so it didn't feel to long, it took us about 2 hours to clear Cambodian immigration and get out Thai visa, once we got to the Thai side of the boarder we had lunch and then we got in to some vans to get to Bangkok, these vans had 16 people in them and we were all like sardines and the trip was ment to take 4 hours but it was close to 6 hours we got into Bangkok as the sun was setting and we found a driver and asked to be dropped off in the centre of town and we would find a hotel, he insisted we go to some tourist booking office to make a reservation, but we said no and went into town we got dropped of in what was apparenty the center of town but after walking around for 40min there was no hotels so we got a Tuc Tuc driver to take us to a hotel but he ended up taking us to a tourist information center, and the people there were usless the only place they had for accommodation was for $80 - $100 per night I knew there was a street in Bangkok where all the back packers go but they wouldn't tell me where it is they pointed to a street on the map where there are cheap hotels and suggested we look there, when our driver took us to the address it was another travel agent and they did the same thing only really expensive hotels available we got some brochures and found a place for $30 per night we checked in for one night, and the room was probably one of the worse rooms we stayed in so far, we asked were we could find a place to eat and would you believe it just around the corner was the tourist street full of restaurants, hostels, hotels, night market we found a place to eat and enquired at a few hotels and they were half the price of where we were staying so we went back and went to sleep.
Thursday 21st June, we got up this morning and went to look for another hotel and we found a place for half the price and a much nicer room, we went and checked out and checked into the new hotel and we then found a booking agency and got bus tickets to go all the way to Phuket for $20 compared to a $150 flight we got a night bus that has beds and it's a 15 hour bus ride so it going to be interesting iv already downloaded afew movies to watch along the way, from here we had some subway for breakfast and went to go and do some shopping we went to the centre of town and there is a huge market but its all inside a big shopping centre and its over 7 levels so it was great they had everything you could imagine I got some red bull singlets and some polo shirts and bits and pieces we spent the whole day up and around the shops and I found a place that had original casio watches, and they have the watches I have always wanted it's a digital watch with a compass a baro meter that will let you know what the weather is going to be like in the next few hours, it shows the moon phase and its got sun rise and sun set, it shows high and low tide and even shows your altitude its got a world clock built in and its solar powered it a real mans watch iv always wanted one they are a couple of hundred dollars but I would love to upgrade my little casio watch to a big boys watch, any way this blog has taken me over a hour to write and I got to get out and go eat dinner and wonder the night markets.
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