Hi both hope youre ok nice to see David and Pauline home safe, we are in Benidorm watching the Irish and Welsh game, just abou to start hope youre both ok speak to you soon Love Mami and Dadi take care xx
I'm not fat I've just got my thick winter coat on cos it's so cold here!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum & Dad
Hiya both. We have arrived home safely but extremely tired after our long flights. Our holiday with you was fantastic and we can see why you love Australia - we are impressed that you can remember your way around Sydney so well! Poppy is happy to be home although I think she has had a good time in the cattery - her belly definitely looks much larger!!!!! Carry on having a wonderful time. We'll be looking at the photos and wishing we were back with you. Missing you loads. Love you lots xxxxxxxx
Gosh Phil your sister Delyth has remembered you
Del And Adam
Hi both!! how ru?? Looks like your both having a fab time, wish we were there!!
Petra & Leyton
Hi Les, Mumsie Lynn and Nanny, Hope you have had a brilliant holidayand have a safe jouney home xx
Hi thanks hope you are havina great time, xx
M, D, R, P L & N
Happy Birthday Petra from down under. Have a great day. xxxx
Hi - Are your ears burning Phil? Bumped into Rita in Tesco this morning and we talked non stop about PhilnRhi's fantastic journey ....Penthouse appt/Sydney Harbour/Melbourne etc etc - it is just like having our own mini-soap! FAB day here today and NO FROST this morning for a change. Wishing Petra an early Happy 51st Birthday LOL from us & safe journey to the returning travellers. Keep the blogs coming Phil it helps us get through the dull Welsh weeks .... take care love Jan and Co xxxx
M, D, R, P, L & N
Belated birthday greetings to Lauren and Rachel 27 on 3rd March and to Lynwen reaching the big 50! xxxxx
WOW - proper excited now - 2 lots of pictures in as many days Whilst watching the slide show I thought hang on I recognise that house and lo and behold there you are with the official signpost - and to my excitement there is good ol Dr Karl with you two - like bezzy mates LOL Photos are fab as usual and you look like you having a GREAT time. Carry on enjoying and look after mumsie now. xxxxx
Hi both and extended family, gosh what an honour two lots of photos in a couple of days. Everything ok at home, hope mumsie is feeling a lot better speak to you soon xxxx