Ok. I lied. This is the final blog from my African Adventure.
By the time you read this i will be back in Wells (although I am actually writing this from the same computer terminal at Dubai International which i used 3 months ago - it even remembered my username when i logged in!).
It has been a life-changing 3 months. I had no need to extend my stay any longer, although I will always have a slight regret not visiting Zanzibar. My work at the orphanage is done. My travels afterwards introduced me to a few new friends and Kili was an extraordinary experience and a great end to my stay in Tanzania.
The kids will always have a place in my heart and I will try to communicate with them by post, when possible. Stickers will be the order of the day, but an edited DVD will go down a storm, too, provided the Hisani staff let them see it. As far as the people i met, there were some great individuals - namely Jenny, Adrienne, Georgina, Emily, Mary, Jo, Anna, Mirjana, Lorna, Mr Happy, Mboka, Bernard, Christina, Methley, Whitey, Kristina, Meaghan and, of course, Tom. I want to keep in touch with all of them. (I bet I've missed someone out that i should've included)
I made two important decisions. One was to undertake a TEFL course soon, abroad, and follow this with an application to do a PGCE - I have decided I will train to be a teacher. Secondly, taking on a (re)newed faith (see blog 1 Jan). I still don't know how this is going to pan out in the future, but I have opened up a relationship which had been dormant or practically non-existent previously.
My desire to create a DVD of my time in Tanzania has driven me to frustration many times, I dreamt about it too often... i hope it eventually gets made. Hopefully, by the end of March. With a bit of luck the 2-disc deluxe edition (with extras) should be out by Christmas 2007.
Thank you to all those who sent messages - esp. Sarah and Emma - who were quite regular contributors - outside of my family, that is. They meant a lot to me.
I know it is only 3 months but, in some ways, it feels longer. I had a bald head and went to a wedding the day before i left. I come back with hair, 2 new Kili T-Shirts, some Kangas and some broken specs. And my life enriched. It has changed me, i think i am a better person with a clearer future now.
Mark always said that life for him started at the age of 35. Well, I guess mine has too!
Love and Bongo Flava.
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