Felt tired as we got to rotorua probably because of having 5 hours sleep over the last 2 nights so was glad to be staying here for 4 nights to catch up on some rest, we said goodbye to howard as he is moving on i will miss the cups of tea! met back up with nathan from raglan and i cooked dinner for the 4 of us followed by an early night. feeling fresh after 12 hours sleep me and nathan went white water rafting to pass a bit off time ive always been worried about this 1 as i cant hold my breath for long so hoping not to fall out! the instructors gave us a 30 min lectuer on what to do and what to do if u fall out but unfortunately he did not explain how we should deal with what was going to happen that afternoon! so we set off with me and nathan in the middle a 7 foot ogre in the front with his gf, 2 girls behind us and 2 instuctors at the back. we got a bit of practice in before our 1st rapids but we go straight into grade 4 so not much time to get used to it we hit some big rapids and the instuctor shouts get down so we all do we got through some rough rapids but i heard no more commands and when i looked back i realised why! both our instuctors had fallen out the back leaving the 6 of us for dead i actualy found this hilarious a few others were trying to shout commands but we were all over the place hitting trees, rocks all sorts evetualy we hit a big rapid on my side and the big ogre in the front falls out of his seat over to our side and half way out the boat his gf grabs him but she is about to go so i grab her but with all the weight on our side the boat begins to tip and were about to capsize in the middle of grade 4 rapids not good! luckily the 2 instuctors come floating down after us and grab the boat on the other side weighing us back down he pulls himself back on and finaly we are safe! i asked if that had ever happend before and he replied not in my 13 years so great that it happens on my day but i actualy found it quite exciting a little scary but thats the fun of it :-) we made it to the end pretty safely after that appart from hitting the camera man and sinking her boat woops! finished off with a nice bbq and a night out in rotovegas. the next day me nat and lisa went zorbing but lisa was to scared so she took pics, zorbing is where u get inside a giant hamster ball with water inside then roll down the hill amazing fun so simple but amazing! after we had a nice 4 hour hike around a forrest followed by cheap tuesday dominoes pizza for 5.90 with a night in front of the tv so perfect tv is a rare treat for me! today it was just the 2 of us me and lisa went to hells gate a thermal spa with mud pools we took a tour in the morning of all the thermal pools followed by a nice warm mud bath very nice and relaxing, afterwards we had a walk round rotorua as it was a hot hot day and took some more pics, early night tonight as tommorow we leave for lake taupo!
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