Hi everyone, I've been in Thailand for about a week now, sorting out my visa for Vietnam, but thats all done now, so its off to Hanoi tomorrow! I've been in Bangkok most of the time, and its totally mental! There're so many touts and taxi drivers trying to rip you off and take you where you don't wanna go etc etc its absolutely hilarious when you get used to it. Its obviously stupidly hot too, but there're loads of awesome temples to see, and the grand palace. The food is wicked, i've just been eating off food stalls and it costs me about 50p a meal haha, the cheapness is really kool. I took a 2 day trip to Khao Yai National Park too, which is a world heritage site. I've got some awesome photos and videos of gibbons and spiders and birds, and we got to go on a jungle trek. Also, in the evening we were going round cruising for elephants in a sawngthaew, which is effectively a pick-up truck with two wooden benches in the back and a tarpaulin cover over the top, when it started to rain. Badly. We got caught in a tropical thunderstorm with driving rain, and huge blasts of thunder and lightning right on top of us, as our driver was just pelting it out of the jungle haha. It was one of the most awesome experiences of the trip so far definitely. So I'm off to Vietnam tomorrow and can't wait. Hope your all well, and enjoying ur various exams haha!
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