We left bustling Bangkok on the evening of the 20th, we took the 14 hour overnight sleeper train to the north of Thailand to Chiang Mai. The train was good as it enabled us to sleep as it had bunk beds, well carly didn't sleep as she was affraid of falling off the top bunk as we wizzed round corners!
We arrived at about 7am but were unable to check in to our room till 11, as you can imagine, this angered Carly as she needed some sleep. We took an early morning stroll around the city and then decided to waist some time in Starbucks before checking in.
Sunday afternoon we headed off to Chiang mai sunday market. They shut off many roads and filled them with market stalls, so we took in alot of the local culture.
The next morning we were up bright and early to start our next adventure. This was the perfect opportunity for Carly to face her fears as we had booked a 3 day 2 night trek through the Jungle!
This involved elephant riding, bamboo rafting, sleeping in the Jungle, visiting isolated villages, washing in waterfalls & trekking for 4-5 hours a day up steep inclines and declines! For some reason we were in a group of 10 which included, 2 experienced (bizzzzz) trekers from Holland, 2 jewish students from Equador and 3 firemen & an engineer from Spain. As you can imagine Carly found it hard to keep up with the lads and as you probably expect was in tears on more than one occassion!
Our leader was Bon (James Bond) and his side kick Hyperactive Jacki Chan, who Carly said reminded her of the boy from the Jungle book as he could ride elephants and swing from the trees and chop fire wood with his bare hands.
In Pauls eyes this was a superb experience and in carlys pure hell, although she did smile on a few odd occassions! She loved the waterfalls and the bamboo rafting, but the bits in between wasn't as good. Carly was pleased that she she got through it(even though she is aching from head to toe) but at least she knows she will never do it again! Paul loved every minute (maybe its because you didn't have to wash!) and we both met a lovely group of people.
The last night in Chiang Mai started in the hotel bar with the trekking Crew and swiftle moved on to a good bar with a live band, singing, dancing and drinking a plenty, before moving on to a wierd Thai club.
We have managed to download more photo's.
Love to all
Carly & PJ
PS- Happy Birthday Shipps for the other day. Advanced brithday wishes to Grandad Pete, Mum and E.
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