Hi Guys, Here's our first entry from Bangkok.
Wow where shall we start? we seem to have packed so much in to our first couple of days here!
After a long flight we headed to the Koh San Road, our home for the next couple of nights, it was quite overwhelming. Loads of people, stalls, food karts and the imense heat beating down on us, it was slightly uncomfortable.
We bumped in to a lovely thai guy, we were both wary at first as we've read about all the scams that happen but as we got chatting he was infact very nice. He gave us lots of advice and sent us to the government travel centre where we planned the next part of our trip. All will be revealed in the next installment!
After this we hopped in our tuk-tuk for a hell ride to Lumpini, this was a thai festival, with singing, lots of food and fireworks! It was our first experience of thai food and it was lovely. We think Paul's dish was made by a lady boy but were not 100 percent sure! Didn't check the tackle.
The second day was action packed also. Started with the purchase of the tailor made suits. Then on to the tour of the Kings residence, The Grand Palace, and all its glory.
We then went to a massive shopping centre MBK, we got there by boat down the river then a sky train. This was Carlys opportunity to spend and of course Paul managed to net himself a few bargains aswell! (mum, Tina you'll be recieving our package in the next 2-3months!) With all this walking our feet were killing so we had a thai foot and leg massage! Somehow this massage included the back, shoulders head and arms! It was lovely.
We had a meal in the Koh San Road to finish off the day washed down with a few bevvies!
Have a look at our photo's, we've only added a selection as they take ages to download!
Love to all
Carly and PJ
PS-Happy birthday Harris.
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