Hi everyone,
Has been manic for me these last few days, so will summarise the main things (I hear those sighs of relief!!)
-So, after Jakarta, I went to see goat fighting which was brutal but not as bad as I thought and these rams were BIG
-Then I went to a traditional village where they lived in bamboo huts and had no electricity, worst thing they have no toilets in their homes but only communal ones outside the village
-Went walking among bubbling mud pools and stinky sulpher volcanic craters in Dieng
-Saw the amazing Borobodur at sunrise, truly breathtaking
-Went to Jogyakarta and met a really nice guy called Abdul who took me clubbing with him and his mates, and drove me around everywhere showing me things. Really nice guy.
-Also there, they had a bird market which was rammed full of birds, rats, rabbits, dragons, snakes, mongeese…everything!But all in tiny cages with bleeding noses from trying to escape.Painful to see
-Went to Mount Bromo for sunrise and this was THE MOST AMAZING thing I have EVER seen. Sorry for capitals but truly I was speechless, just has to be seen, so quiet and out of this world. Felt like the moon or something, and then the mountain behind erupted!!Well belched black smoke, Fantastic, words cant describe
-Today I saw dolphins swimming in the wild in Lovina, Bali at sunrise when I hired a boat to see them
-Also just seen a traditional Bali dance show in Ubud where I am now staying for a few days (relax Brenda I am here!)Its very pretty and v chilled, show was brilliant, those people have scary heads and eyes in the show
So summary is that I have been travelling at least five hours, more like ten everyday for last week. I have been getting up at 3 or 4 in the morning every day for sunrises, am shattered, BUT ALL WORTH IT!Im not complaining, don’t worry!
Oh god the journey to bromo was scary to, started at 3.30 in pitch black and FREEZING cold (about 3 or 4 degrees I think with windchill) and we went across the volcanic plain on a motorbike and fell over twice!Scared me a lot. Then up the mountain round hairpin bends in pitch dark also.Yikes!And that night on the way to Lovina (Bali) I had to take a 2 hour motorbike ride since the buses had stopped,. Yes two hours with no helmet on a country road in pitch black with a maniac driver. Seriously cant remember regretting a decision as much as that!
Indonesian people generally are v v friendly tho they cant speak any English here which is a problem since I am talking lots of public buses and tend to get lost and confused easily. Especially as the locals try and help but don’t understand and then put me on incorrect buses/bikes instead!!
Also it’s the hottest county, averaging around 35-38 degrees, and so humid! awesome!
Keep the messages coming!
Love yas
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