Now in Kuta which is the centre of all the tourist activity in Bali. Hundreds of tourists here (unsurprsingly), more surprising is that most are surfer typpes with tanned skin and ripped bodies making me feel highly inadequate everytime i expose my scrawny (yet darker, ha ha!) body on the beach!
kuta is world famous for surfing sicne it has range of waves from mild to huge so any surfer can have a good time and its great to start to learn, tho i havent had a go just yet...only arived yesterday!
Anyway, the annoying thing is that I was approached by a gay in a department store today.WHY?HOW?i must have become uber camp or sumthing, i dont understand how they seem to congregate around me!And they arent shy and retiring wither, my views of innocent religion loving humble indonesia have been swept aside by the sheer unprudishness of these people! Spent half an hour fending him off and preventing him from coming into the fitting room with me before he got the message!
Will be catching a plane to the island of Flores tomoro so that i can then get a boat to nearby Komoso and see the legendary dragons for one day before flying back here the day after.Its all go go go baby!
Oh and theres a very sobering memorial to all the victims of the bali bombings in this town a few metres from where im staying.
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