Hi Paz,
Have a good yourney today to Singapore etc.
I am off to my parents in an hour of two. But I rather had been on the Philippines because it looks so grey outside. An your talls are amazing.
I just had an e-mail of Jane saying hi.
aawww how cute!! and the tarsiers are lovely too!
hello sweetie, your journeys sound fabulous... you even found a Trojan ;)
i love reading your journals - they sound so sophisticated and well informed... and then you say something in capitals like SOOOO CUTE! and it's you again! lol, only kidding sweetheart x
i can't believe you're home next week - it's gone so fast!
see you soon (it feels nice being able to write that knowing that it's true!)
Ah, those little monkey things are soooo cute!! Bring one home in your pocket, it will sleep all the way and no one will notice :)
Counting down the days till your back x
press the return key occasionally please, my eyes are sore
I can tell you Rinca is more beautifuler than Komodo. Because on Komodo aren't any other animals. Did you find this nice pets at the nearby kitchen. I can remember I toughed a tail and the ranger told me if it would swap aside it could kill me. I Think there massive nails, claws are the most scary part. I was there when the plain hit the WTC in America. after Rinca and Komodo I also went to an island for a couple of days. So I didn't found out about it till one week later. But you are doing the lazy way by plain makes live easier.
Hope you can still have an nice time in the philipinnes.
The photo's can wait till you are back home.
Did I tell you my purple trouser of Hoi An makes everything purple! The other clothes a great.
WOW and WOW - you go dude! that last entry was fab!
I can't believe you got so close to the Devil Spawn - only kidding, I'm sure they're softies really - slushy in the middle and all that!
Miss you buddy - and your nose! though, that's only because it's a part of you and not for any other sub-conscious reason ;) kidding again
Take care in the wind-swept regions and definitely take Yiota's advice to ward off sleazy masseurs!!!
Xeni's not enjoying the waiting game that is her jury service, just so you know!
hey 'Indian' Jones :P, im impressed with your ability to tame all these different wild animals... shame thats not the case when encountering frisky gay dudes! look, next time it happens, just reach out for the nearest girl and SNOG her.... come on, you might even like it! x miss u gorgeous
lol paz your pics of your feet on that rope bridge had me chuckling, classic stuff. and you do look superimposed on that sunset! if i had seen the c*** fight i would have sobbed my heart out. it sounds like a dangerous place for a girl in Indonesia! what news do i have?.....well soph and i had a really cool flat warming which Anna came to! was soooo nice to see her. and Scott and me have been spending lots of time together. so weird, cos in the past i have found it hard to let him in...but now i am totally embracing it! loving every minute! watch this space, but i think i may be off the market soon! i am counting down the days til you are back, what date is it again? love you, miss you xxxx
COMING BACK ON 28 DECEMBER BABY!!!PS, my flight today got cancelled despite me waiting at airport for two hours, apparently its common in indonesia cos of a variety of reasons, today was technical fault.hmm, will be (hopefully) flying tomoro now...instead i went to a turtle sanctuary and kissed a turtle!
Hi Paz,
I don't know how long you are staying in Indonesia. But I managed to speak a bit within a week. It is quit easy. So don't be shy just try.
most helpfull words etc.
My name is = Nama Saya Adalah
what is your name? = siapa Namamu?
I come from London = Saya berasal dari london
Good morning/afternoon/evening = Selamat pagi/siang/sore
Goodbye = (person staying) Selamat tinggal (person leaving) selamat jalan
how do you do? = apa kabar? fine = baik
can I make bargain? = bisa saya tawar? no = tidak
how much/many = Berapa? expensive = Mahal too much = lebih
can you write it down, please? = baleh saudara tuliskan?
were is my money (back) = mana uang kembali saya (angsulnya)
I need some help = saya butuh pertolongan
go away = pergi dari sini
Tomorrow = besok yesterday = kemarin
I (don't) understand = Saya (tidak) mengerti
Ticket = karcis Airport = bandar udara
turn right = belok kanan, turn left = belok kiri
Can I make photo = bisa saya ambil photo
Do you have any ......? = Apa ada ........?
what do you want to eat/drink? Apa makan/minum?
I love you = Kamu cinta sama Saya.
My most used word.
Jalan Jalan = if you just want to walk! (not getting in the overgrouded bus).
Some of my photo's you find on my site.
if you do go to Lombok I can recomend an area without tourists. Stay at hotel hati suci in Sapit. Very nice owners. http://hatisuci.tk/
I loved your photo's of Java. Maybye next year. There I still so much I want to see. Bromo is truly AMAZING.
Greetz Brenda
Hey Hey Cutie!!
Can I just say that, after reading all your new entries and seeing all the pics (it's been manic for Xeni back home :(.. ) I found the cutest thing to be that you are hugging puppies and thinking of us - better than hugging full grown dogs!!
Your pictures are amazing! The dolphins the mountains... er what was all that about with the Male Statue and Club and ... stuff!!? Baby, you know that's not the way forward!! ;)
I love that your journals are so expansive, it feels like I'm right there with you - I miss you so much!
I'm so impressed that you walked that bridge, I think I would probably have said "sure let's do it" and then curled into a ball with fright!!
At the moment, Xeni is dismally preparing herself for Jury Service... so I will be thinking of you at least once a day as I contemplate the outcome of an youth with a knife (probably!) and whether or not he should be put into a correction centre!!
Other than that, you take care of yourself and Try and learn the language sweetie, I know it seems pointless when your charm can get you accommodation with "new friends" but it's always good to know "Help / Fire / Which Bus?" in a foreign tongue..
Love you lots, I can't wait for you to come home.
Back at to work. You missed the best part of Vietnam. Sapa. I loved it. I even walk 18 km and went swimming in ice cold water in my underwear. I read at least one a week your journal. I am jealous. You pictures of malaysia suddenly brings back some memory of 5 years ago I already forget. Go to Ubud in Bali my favourite place. Kuta is so touristic. I do have to go to Thailand and Laos next time. Have fun and keep in contact. I am coming to Londen one day! I will try to send you some pictures I made in Vietnam of you soon.
even for a million squid u would never get me on that rope bridge - u f***ing insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!