A Year Away
Something I forgot to mention last time. Pajaro and I are renting our little place from two girls, Sol en el Lago (Sun on the Lake) and Musica del Viento (Music of the Wind). Um yeah. Their mother, one of the most bonkers women Ive ever met in my life, lives on the other side of the lake in San Pedro, thank goodness. I personally believe that the bonkers-ness may stem from the fact that she has six toes on each foot. On another note completely, I also believe that half the spiders of Guatemala were living in my hostel room where I was living before, and that the other half live in my new place. Every single morning I sweep the entire place trying to cut down on their numbers, but theyre always back the next day. Oh, and the most wicked of them come out at night, God forbid that I should have to use the bathroom at 2 in the morning. *shiver* Yesterday morning I woke up with my ankles covered in bites. This in itself is not unusual, flies seem to enjoy my feet. (Though Pajaro is trying to convince me that the potato bugs also bite, I don’t buy it.) But one of them was obviously a spider bite and I didn’t notice it until I had scratched the jeepers out of it and the venom was spreading. In the end it was nothing, but for those of you who have met the arachnophobe in me, you know that I was thoroughly creeped out. So last night I didn’t sleep all that well, expecting to see shadowy figures crawling down the walls at me. And when Pajaro woke up in the middle of the night to see me staring at the walls he asked me what was up. I made the mistake of telling him and he pretended to rip of one of the more sinister ones (the ones whose jaws I swear I could hear clacking) off the wall outside and throw it at me. Yes, that blood curdling scream you all heard at 1 in the morning was me. Sorry if I woke you. So I was awake for the next 4 hours. No, I wasn’t freaked out the whole time, I turned on the TV to take my mind of spiders and that darn boy and we ended up watching “Philidelphia” until 4am. (Geez I love Tom Hanks.) In conclusion, I didn’t sleep a ton last night, and Im going to take a nap.
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