A Year Away
I moved into a house! This is so cool! Pajaro and I decided to split the cost of the place, so we”re paying 250q each a month (about 30$ or so) for a giant bedroom, bathroom with shower, pila, great kitchen and garden. Its so fantastic I cant believe it! Its on the other side of the river, in Jucanya, about a 10 minute walk to the center across a newly built hammock bridge. (The other one was destroyed by Hurricane Stan last year.) But yeah, the yard is great, weve got an avocado tree, a guyaba tree, lime tree, (but they taste like oranges, so Im not sure whats up with that) a ton of flowers and grape vines across the front. And outside our front door is the neighbors” garlic garden. Woo! Im just too thrilled. The best thing for both of us is the kitchen. Im sure Ive mentioned before how Pajaro cooks up a massive storm and totally enjoys it. That, and Ive been craving cookies for weeks now. Now we have an OVEN! And a REFRIDGERATOR! And a TABLE! See how excited I am about supposedly simple things? I think I will make a lemon cake today. If I can find powdered sugar that is. Yesterday was our first day in the new place, so Pajaro made baked chicken, potatos and salad with avocado and tortillas for the two of us, our friends Lele, Catcha, Antonia, Lila and his little brother Darwin (who spent most of the afternoon playing nintendo and throwing avocados down to us out of the tree.) When everybody b*****ed off, Pajaro went for the cable TV, which hed been looking forward to, but it wasnt connected. The only channel that came through was Cartoon Network. So while I spent the evening doing some of the few remaining Sudoku puzzles in my book, Pajaro watched the Spanish versions of Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z. Another cool thing. I got myself some new flipflops, since I destroyed my other ones walking all over this country. My new ones rock though, because they were hand made out of leather by a friend of Pajaro who also lives in Jucanya. They are awesome and are going to last me the rest of my life. Woo!
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