A Year Away
I have a couple of things to say here, one of which will make my mother absolutely flip, I´m sure, so I´m going to leave it to the very end, to make her suffer for 3 minutes. Hee hee! First, one of the two jerkfaces who stole my camara an iPod apparently came back to Pana last week while I was in Monterrico, surely thinking that I´d be long gone by now. (I thought the same, but I´m still here!) He wasn’t here long before my friend Elias and his buddy confronted him and told him I was still around and still looking for him. I´m told that he freaked out, (especially when Elias threatened to make his nose bleed, how cavalier) and left town immediately, probably went back to the capital again. Woo! I was thrilled. I´m not actually sure why, maybe that I have cool enough friends that they stick up for me when I´m gone. Second, we just finished up the Feria de Panajachel yesterday. Now I have seen the Ferias for four different cities and I actually think that this one was my least favorite. Mostly, it was just too darn loud. There are obviously no sound engineers in the city, at one point there was a group of dancers dancing to one type of music right next to the group of Marimba- um – ers who were playing their own, and either group on their own would have been WAY too loud, but they were competing. Even plugging my ears I couldn´t handle it. It doesn´t help that I live about 5 minutes away from the fairgrounds (the front of the Catholic church) and can hear EVERYthing from my room. I was woken up at 4am a couple days ago to the exploding fireworks that then proceded for more than an hour. And these were no ordinary fireworks, they were the BIG ones that are usually set off from barges off shore. They sounded like they were being set off about 10 feet behind me. I could feel it all in my bones and they rattled my brain. I did take my friend Veronica and her friend Michelle to the fair one morning though and we ate dulces de coconut and played games to win cheap plastic toys, so the girls were thrilled of course. There were some other toys that were not cheap (though they should have been) but still plastic, which leads me to number three, where my mom is going to flip. Third, Pajaro and I were messing about at the Fair, and as our favorite thing at the fair has always been Fusball and video games, when we saw a sign saying “Nintendo Sale,” we couldn´t resist. We bought a Nintendo, no, scratch that. We bought a “FunStation” (the crappiest form of Nintendo in existence, for sure) for 80Q, about 10$, and now spend several hours a day playing Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt at his house. Yes, the real Mario Bros, the old ones from way back when. So I´m playing them for the first time about 20 years after they came out. And it´s so thrilling. J Mom, if it makes you feel any better, we´re playing while it rains every afternoon. But the best part is that for whatever reason, the volume doesn ´t work on Pajaro´s TV, but it doesn´t even matter, because even though neither of us has ever owned a Nintendo, we both know all, and I mean ALL the music. So we spend our time clicking and doo-doo-dooing the hours away. It´s good times.
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