Party Time
I'm going to Uyuni next.
I've discovered something which has put me in a severe state of depression. For one whole day. (note - I'm not trivialising depression here you understand. I realise a lot of people suffer from it but I hope you take the humour in the way it was intended. I myself went through a very dark period after my dad passed away. Label it what you like) Uyuni salt flats, around which I have based this whole journey, is dry. Google it. The fabulous pics you see are taken after it's rained. I chose to make Uyuni one of my last stops as the end of November/beginning Dec was rainy season and so, more likely to give me that perfect picture! But it's dry. And there is zero percent chance of rain there in the next 2 weeks. So I need to cut my losses. I'm sure it'll still be amazing but Just. Not. Quite. The. Same! (she says through gritted teeth. In case you didn't quite get that)
So I booked a flight. Yes a flight! to Sucre. Only £32 and 30 mins flight, compared to 15 hours on a bus! I leave tomorrow at 5pm. It's a bit more than half way to Uyuni. But 9 hours on a bus is nothing now I know what I CAN endure! It's too hot and sweaty here to do much so I'm just going to hang around the hostel all day. Also, my money is drastically running out. I've spent WAY more than I intended and as such, I will be furnishing my wee flat in EK with a bean bag only!!
I started chatting with a couple of guys. It was a brilliant chat. Really deep, about what each of us thought about stuff, and we all actually listened to each other (and this was BEFORE the alcohol had started flowing!!) Sadly, this type of conversation doesn't happen very often in my life.
A few more joined us and then as it got later (after breakfast is ok right?), we started having a few drinks. What a hoot! Some Spanish guys started teaching us the tango and salsa and we danced all night! Then we all jumped in the pool to cool off. The majority of us was (that doesn't sound right, but hey) a lone traveller and I couldn't help but think how great it was that none of us knew each other and yet we were all like best buddies for that one night! I loved it!
- comments
Anne Some deep stuff there. Like: 'It's nice to be listened to'. And: 'Telling people to pull a weird face can produce more scary results than all the fake blood at a Halloween party'.