Copey king of cards and how to look italian!
After a night of sleeping in a tiny vibrating bed, i was a bit blurry eyed. The boat rocked and the power of the engines made the bed shake, copey said most people have to pay for that! I got up and had a shower it was 12 noon, the shower was actually quite good was pleasently suprised. I grabbed some pieces of bread, a cake and a carton of orange juice and headed the stern, thats the back of the boat for the non nautical people! The wind was pounding so hard i was being blown back. I found a bench at the stern and ate my breakfast while copey got ready.
We wandered around the boat for a bit there was a crap arcade and a dodgy casino, i tried to use the fruit machines i put 2 euros in and nothing happened , guess that teaches me not to gamble! We then went to the bar area and played cards. We played blackjack which ended up with king copey pulling out some killer mortal kombat style finishing moves. We played for a while why i was observing the italians. I think i know now what i need to blend in.
1. Either long girly hair or short shaven hair with designer stubble
2. Tight jeans with a leather jacket
3. Stand with your legs forward, leaning back and just stare at women or the mirror.
Number 4 is vital, a huge pair of sunglasses either worn on your hairline ,on your face or hung from your t-shirt.
I dont think i will blend in because i dont have long enough hair yet, i dont own a leather jacket and my sunglasses are not big enough. I think every lad can do number 3 so im 25% italian..
We went back to our cabin and good job we did we were getting kicked out , the cleaners where there, we grabbed our stuff and hit the caberat area. They were playing loads of party songs which two local italian singers were performing. Copey reckoned the maccarena was going to come on. True enough it did, the ferry was full of college aged people who were dancing like mad.
We got off the ferry at 18:45 and we were completely lost. We managed to find a macdonalds, i was going to use the wifi and use google maps to find the train station. This maccys had no wifi, but had sci fi electric bins! Id rather have wifi, we asked a guy who worked there the way to the train station and he pointed the way. We managed to get to the station and hit the 20:42 train to roma termini, where our hostel was 5 minutes walk away.
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