Trip to the cinema cancelled and the new ashley....
I got woken up by some guy snooring, it was quite loud and was doing my head in so went for a shower. Copey said later that he came in about 6am so i must of got some decent amount of sleep.
We wandered out to see the rest of the city, we walked to a market place near westgate shopping centre and then walked back. On our walk we noticed that theirs alot of old people who route through bins for rubbish, one was even safety concious and was wearing plastic gloves like at the hospital.
I had seen some sketchers for 440 kuna about £50 so as my shoes where being to hum and the aldernators where falling apart i treated myself to them. After i bought them we wandered to a bar, where i relaced my new shoes and immediatley swapped them for the smelly aldernators.We walked upto the cinema at the end of the bar street and looked if they had clash of the titans in 3d, they did but not til 18:45 so we headed back to the hostel. I watched the end of i am legend while copey was trying to find out who was the new oldham manager and stato'd up on the world cup.
After a bit i re-checked the cinema times on the internet , it wasnt on until mon and then only ran til wednesday, damn we should of studied the croation days, nevermind. So we headed out to the underground shopping centre near the train station. We had seen signs for macdonalds but never found it, its because its actually at the back of this underground shopping centre behind the train station, we grabbed an icecream then walked back to the hostel.
When we got there we had a new room mate he was from heartfordshire and was called mike, he had massive specticles, you know the type like jam jar lids anyway we got chatting and he had just come from serbia, we quizzed him as we were unsure on our route next , we were planning to go to greece but its hard to get too from croatia. Anyway we headed out to grab tea but this guy needed to iron his tshirt, me and copey looked at each other and both thought 'what the f***, where backpacking no need for an iron!', he was starting to remind us both of ashley. He was ready after his ironing session and we headed out to the noktovotel restaurant, me and copey ordered steak it was gigantic and a bargain at 60 kuna (£7ish). We then headed to bar street and it was a lot busier so sat in a bar and watched as the crowds went by.. Mike left after one drink as he didnt drink alcohol and the waitress had looked at him funny for ordering apple juice. Copey and i stayed out and had a few more then went back to the hostel, i stayed up and watched some croation tv before the common room shut for the night.
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