Tuesday 14th. A wash out. Rained all day on our drive South down the west coast. We planned to visit Franz Josef Glacier. No chance. We could not even see the mountains around us let alone a glacier.
Wednesday 15th.
The sun was shining Drove across the Haast Pass through to Lake Wanaka and Queenstown. Civilisation again after some days in the wilderness!
We took a gondola ride to the top of the mountain that overlooks Queenstown. Some great views. We wandered about the town which is full of shops, restaurants and bars.
Thursday 16th.
A 6.45 am pick up for the 5 hour coach trip to Milford Sound, but it was well worth it. We thought we had seen great scenery in New Zealand but this trip beat everything. The 2 hour boat trip down the Fiord to the Tasman Sea was stunning, passing dolphins and seals along the way. The journey back to Queenstown was our adrenalin rush as we flew back over the mountains in an 8 seater plane (not for the nervous flyers Jemma). As the New Zealanders are fond of saying "it was awesome". and Jen on tour/South Island/Southland
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