Day 137 and as I woke up I was amazed to see birght sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. This instantly made me feel like getting up, so I finished packing. Once up we met the others outside the kitchen where there were signs up saying it was closed. Apparently the night before a group of lads got really drunk and smashed up the place, even punching holes in the kitchen walls. Hence, we had bread and butter outside on the bench. Burns played a bit more basketball while he could before we headed to the bus stop over the road where me and Luke topped up our foot tans. The bus left at 10, and after an hour stopped for a full hour for brunch! Burns and I had Chips Pie and Gravy for $7.50 which was a well good deal for a service station. We arrived in Noosa at 1pm and got a Taxi to the hostel and as the sun was out we quickly checked in and headed for the beach. Luke was in a different room to the rest of us cause he was tempted to go to a hostel which gave out free surfboards but didnt go in the end and was lucky as he got the last bed available. In our room there was this weird nutcase guy called 'Bengi' (who's called Bengi nowadays!). At the beach we managed to find a spot in the hoards of people and started to regain the tan. After 10 minutes however, us lads were sweating so badly we hoff'd it into the sea, which was crystal clear and very cool. The waves were massive as well, 10ft at least and we had some fun getting taken out. The girls came in the water briefly but they were battered by the waves so soon went back to bathing in the sun. After a few hours, we headed through the streets of Noosa where there were lots of up market shops. After a quick shower and change, me and Helen headed out for a belated Valentines Day a Chinese! It was cheap and all the other restaurants were charging $30-40 per meal. We took our own $10 wine and had some very nice and affordable food. After dinner we met the others and in the room chilled out. Bengi was being weird, we think he was drunk, but more likely had taken a drug or something as he was hyper and all over the place! At about 12 we went to bed and Bengi started snoring and coughing so loud I couldnt sleep for about 3 hours. It was mental, me and Helen even had a conversation he was so loud. God knows how Coops and Burns didnt wake up.
Day 138 and after a rubbish nights sleep Bengi thankfully checked out and a new guy called Lewis checked in. It was sunny again so we walked up a huge hill to the Noosa lookout where we had a customary group photo, though the guy who took it for us tried to take it of us facing in land with the car park in the background. After an hour or so we went to Coles and bought dinner, Lamb Curry and then headed for the beach. The beach was empty as it was a weekday so people were at school / work, so we found a spot much easier. The sea was good again, not many waves, but it started to sting all over our bodies and we didnt like it so we got out. In town we got a Copenhagen ice cream which was epic and sat and chilled in the sun. Back at the hostel I jumped in the pool to cool off and Burns showed me a new dive for his collection by going head first but not using his arms at all. It looked like a limp dog jumping into the pool. At 7 me and Luke went to the bar and took part in a free poker tournament which Koalas hostel hosts every Monday night. I was on a table full of local rednecks who seemed to know each other and appeared to be poker pros with all the fancy dealings and lingo. I was nervous when it came to my deal as you had to do it a certain way. After winning a couple of hands and gaining a good amount of chips, I lost to a full house, and then the next hand lost when I had a full house. The bloke who beat me had four 9's! Gutted. I soon got betted out as the blinds were raised and I couldnt afford to play (it was free but when you were out of your alloted chips you left the game). It was good fun though as it was free. Luke was doing good, he had 3 Full houses in his first few rounds but then claimed he got 'bored' and got knocked out. Likely story. We played some cards with the others and then cooked dinner. After a few drinks in the bar we headed back to the room and went to bed.
Day 139 and Burns went to check the Arsenal score at 8am and I uploaded the blog. We both went back to bed and we all got up about 11ish. It was dull and overcast. For lunch we went to Coles and bought Pesto pasta and some cheap snickers bars which were on offer for $1 and were reduced to clear. On the way back we stopped at a 7-Eleven and I got my free sandwhich (for having bought 5 pies from there on a Munch Card). Burns was on his 4th pie so was nearly due his free sarnie. We spent pretty much all afternoon in the room playing games, doing puzzles and other crosswordy things and being really lazy and boring. Though we blamed this on the weather as it was to wet and dull to go out. Luke was feeling ill and spent all day in bed. Us 4 had a new room mate, a guy called Steve from England, who seemed ok to start with, but then went a bit weird. He was a traveller who hated tourism and the 'people' destroying the nice places around the world. After pointing out to him that he himself was a tourist he seemed to lose interest. Burns nicknamed him, 'Manic Depresent Dude'. The Pesto pasta went down a storm for dinner, (Helen having courgettes for only the 2nd time) and we saved Luke some. In the room after dinner I went on the laptop and sorted some music for my Ipod (but messed up all my South Parks in the process!). We went to bed early about 11.
Day 140 and it was travelling to Brisbane day. After a shower (using hostels sheet as a towell) we headed to the Greyhound stop and waited for our bus. We thought the bus was due to arrive at 10, when in fact it arrived at 1045. After a 3 hour bus journey to Brisbane, we waited at the transit centre a while before we got a lift to our hostel. With check in, we got $5 off our first night and also a free meal woucher. For lunch, Burns added to his pie voucher with one from a 7-Eleven, while Luke had a subway, but didnt seem to like it to much, so bought a pie after. We went to the Library and used some free internet and then went back to the hostel for dinner at 6. I had burger and chips, as did Luke, Burns and Laura had Lasagne, and Helen had Chicken Schnitzel. All the meals were free so we did pretty well as they were big portions. After dinner we phoned our friend Nikki in England and booked a campervan for New Zealand. After a few games of pool, and a couple of Bulmers which were on offer, we headed to the room and hit the hay.
Day 141 and me and Burns for some reason decided to get up at 5am to go and watch some football. It wasn't even Liverpool or Arsenal, it was Man United vs Fulham! Anyway, we went to watch it at a good pub called the Pig & Whistle which we had been to before. After watching United stuff Fulham, we walked back and and played Basketball on a makeshift tennis court with a hoop on. It started getting rowdy mid morning with lots of drunk Irish people hanging round the pool, and also the owners dog which was going crazy chasing the basketball and football. We walked to Southbank and then the shops later in the day and the girls were in their full on take ages in every shop mood. After ages in town, we went back to the hostel via the Library where on the net, Burns realised we had been charged for speeding in the Getz on the Great Ocean Road. Bummer! 12 dollars each. Luke stayed at the Library while us 4 went to Coles to buy dinner, Chicken Fajitas. The checkout assistant who served us must have been about 12 years old, and the Girls got embarressed by him serving them. We also got a can from a over the top can machine with a mechanical arm and dispenser. In the room, we watched The Simpsons and Neighbours and had a nap, and then cooked dinner later. It started to rain really heavily, and went downstairs to cook dinner. Afterwards, we were in the room and had an ongoing debate with reception telling them our air con didnt work. The kept coming up, turning it on, and leaving, before it stopped working 10 mins later. It was so hot in the room we all had cold showers to cool down. We eventually watched the Hulk film off Lukes Ipod and then all fell asleep in the roasting heat of our room.
Day 142 and our last day in Brisbane. I woke up in a pool of my own sweat! Luke and Burns were up first and were shooting some hoops before the rest of us got up. I joined the lads playing basketball, while the girls sat at the tables and did puzzlewords. After working up a sweat we took a dip in the pool which was so nice as it was very very hot. We all walked to Coles and bought dinner (Fryup!) and then headed back to the hostel. Burns had a kebab for lunch while the rest of us used up food we already had. At 230, we headed to town where we bought a few essentials such as sun lotion and batteries. While in town there was a mega thunderstorm so we stayed a bit longer than normal. We walked back to the Library only to find it was about to shut so we went straight back to the hostel. Helen had a nap while we watched TV, and then we had a fryup to end all fryups. The kitchen was really busy and we cooked enough sausages, bacon, beans and egg for 10! To make matters worse, Luke, wasn't hungry. He didn't eat anything. We had a leftover plate of beans cause we had so much which me and Burns ate some of but not all of it. After dinner, a weird woman (drunk we think) who was dancing with a teddy bear on her shoulder, came a sat next to Luke. Me and Burns instantly went to wash up realising she was a weirdo. In the room we showered (it was really hot) and sat down and watched Click on TV before sleeping early and getting ready to head to Alice Springs in the morning.
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