Day 116 and it was our last morning in Noosa as we were heading north to Hervey Bay. I woke at 5 to find my IPod missing, so I presumed it had been nicked by someone else in the room (we had to leave the doors open as it was so hot). I eventually found it, under Helens Pillow.She couldn't sleep so decided to borrow it. After another short nap we were all up at 8 and packed so we could leave the hostel by 9. The Greyhound bus left Noosa at 9.35 and we all sat on our own as the bus was busy. I spent the next few hours watching Family Guy and listening to music. At the first service station stop it started to rain really heavy and we all got food and drink. Once the bus was on its way again, we hit really really bad traffic which led to us being stationary for over an hour. A car and lorry had collided on a one lane road. To make matters worse the air con was not working and I had a sweaty back which reminded me of Malaysia and Thailand, and the movie which was being shown on the bus was Just My Luck, an awful chick flick which we had to sit through. Laura loved it, though she loves loads of kid's films. We arrived at Hervey Bay at 3pm and checked into our Koalas hostel. After a trip to the shops where we bought dinner we jumped into the pool and watched Burns do some of his trademark belly flops. After we cooked dinner in what can only be described as the worst kitchen in the world (grease, flies, mould, and all sorts of crap), we wandered around the town and the girls bought some pancakes. Before bed I went on the internet briefly and then we played cards and chilled in the room as it was so hot and sweaty, none of us could sleep.
Day 117 and we woke up and went to the beach early doors where it was really hot. It was only 9am and we were lying on the beach sweating and having to go in the sea every 5 mins to cool down. After about an hour I couldn't take the sun anymore so went for a walk with Helen, and when we came back we found the others had retreated to the shade. For lunch we went to the local shop and bought some burgers and we made the most of the free BBQ's along the beach front. After food, we went back to the hostel where we went in the pool and I had a red line across my chest where the sun cream hadn't rubbed in properly. Having pale skin can be well annoying! At 3 in the afternoon we had our Fraser Island briefing which about 30 people attended. We got briefed about what we needed and how we would drive and camp on the island for 3 days. Our group consisted of 11 people, us 5, 2 Canadians Ben and Jen, 2 Swiss guys, Marco and Manuel, a Swedish girl Hanna, and an English girl from the same part of London called Emma. The meeting was very detailed and there were all sorts of warnings of things not to do, like drive the 4x4 over rocks, or into deep sand as it would get stuck or tip over. There were also numerous warnings about being 'Dingo Safe' as wild Dingo's roam the island. The ocean was off limits as it is full of sharks and jellyfish. After a long briefing we were told to go and buy our food for the 3 days so the 11 of us walked to the local supermarket. It felt like big brother making massive group decisions with lots of people you had just met. We bought a massive meat package from the butchers, and also 8 loafs of bread, pasta, sauce and sandwich material. Then came the booze. Burns and I went halves on a $10 bag of Goon (wine) and so did Helen and Luke. Laura, who we know cannot drink wine, bought some Whiskey and coke. After a long shop we went back to the hostel to pack 3 days worth of clothes. The girls were being ridiculous and were contemplating taking 5 sets of clothes and 3 bikinis! In the end I took 2 pairs of shorts and 3 T-Shirts, and a lot of sun cream. After packing we had pasta for dinner and played cards with Marco, Manuel and Emma.Marco and Manuel both spoke 5 different languages. Marco's English was so good we thought he was English, a very posh one! We headed to bed early about 10 as we needed to be up at 6 to pack the trucks, tents and all our bags.
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