Day 129 and it was raining when I woke up, as per normal. This was starting to get really annoying, constant rain though compared to the Bushfires down south, it seemed not that bad. After last nights drinking Luke told us about how he was really hungry at about 5-6am, so went to get a pizza (beer hunger) but it was shut so he waited for a while and then bought 2 pies from the pie shop. He ate them to quickly and burnt his mouth so had to come back to the room to clean his teeth and drink some water. Another priceless drunken story from Luke Prime. Rich had a Maccy D's for breakfast, a cardinal sin! We realised we would be staying another night so booked in at Magnums again. We made our now customary trip to Peter Pans to use the internet for free. When we were done, it was still raining, we headed back to the room and played some games. As we wasted away the afternoon me and Burns went to the bar and watched some A league football and then did one of our monthly accumulators, which as always we couldnt decide on. For dinner, Laura Luke and Burns had pizza as it was cheap, and Helen and I had Maccy D's as it was even cheaper. Emma popped over for a chill out and by 1030 Burns and I headed to the bar to watch the footy and agonise over our bet! The others were asleep when we returned at 2.15am.
Day 130 and as soon as I woke up I headed to the internet to check the liverpool score. I was pleased to find out they won, but gutted to find that our 2.50 bet had failed. It was raining, so we thought about going to the cinema, but we found out the roads were so wet that the cinema was out of reach for the buses. We said goodbye to Emma at Koalas as she was flying back to Melbourne, and we then made our way to the supermarket to waste some time and buy lunch and dinner. After 2 hours of walking up and down food aisles and reading magazines, we were back at the hostel having nasty sausage sarnies, and we realised why they were on offer, After lunch we went, you guessed it, Peter Pans. On the way Luke was like, "How far do you reckon you can slide on these wet wooden panels?" and he promptly stacked it big time, well funny. In the afternoon we passed the time by sitting in the room reading, and playing scrabble, which I won at. In the evening after dinner Luke headed out to Beaches (a backpacker bar) so us 4 went to sit at Magnums bar and had some beers as Burns and I had to stay up and watch the Arsenal Spurs game. He had been thinking about this all week and was adamant we had to find somewhere to watch it. The girls went to bed about 1030, and me and Burns had to find another bar to watch it as the Magnums staff couldnt work the TV. We found the game in an Irish pub, no surprise there, and also found Luke who was drinking the night away. It was a pretty poor game, 0-0, but at least they didnt lose and Burns didnt go into one of his 'moods'.
Day 131 and we were supposed to be leaving Airlie (thank god) today on the night bus, but to our our surprise, the phone operator who BUrns booked it with had obviously made a mistake and we weren't on the bus. We then had to book for Tuesday Night and we had the chure of wasting another day in rainy Airlie Beach. To make matters worse, The door handle broke so we had a guy come round and fix it at like 830am and smash the place to pieces. After a trip to PeterPans and running through a monsoon I went to upload some more photos on the net. The girls went for a wander around the shops for about the 5th time in 3 days as they were so bored. I watched some Family Guy on my Ipod, and the girls when back watched The Departed, which Helen promptly fell asleep to. The others headed off to eat dinner, but I didn't as I wasn't hungry but met them in the bar after to play cards but stayed clear of the beer. Before bed we watched some Heroes and then passed out for what we hoped would be our last night in Airlie.
Day 132 and Burns made his customary phone call to Greyhound and we were pleased to find us booked on the bus. We checked out, not before using our sheets as towels, which has become a trademark of Burns's so he doesnt have to travel with a wet towel. After taking loads of the free food on offer in the kitchen we spent the day parked on the covered benches by Magnums bar reading, playing scrabble and making the occasioanl trip to use the internet. Mid afternoon me and Burns had a go on the 'Pokies' machines in the gaming lounge. There like slot machines, but have loads of random symbols on. We wasted a good hour in there trying to work out what we were doing. For dinner us lads had a feast of leftovers. We had pies, Lasagne, forzen veg, noodles, pasta meals and chocolate cake. Luke felt sick afterwards he had so much. The reason we had to waste the day was our night bus left at 11.55pm so we literally spent all day waiting for it. After another session in the Pokies area, I found Helen to be much like Lisa Simpson when she helps Homer gamble on football. She was really good at helping me and Burns guess the suits and colours of cards. Finally 1130 came about and we walked to the bus stop, and it wasnt raining! We got on and prepared ourselves for the 10 hour bus journey to 1770.
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