The weather is dull and the rain is falling - how luckly are you!?
howdy mother
hows australia, must be better now in clean clothes everyday & no tents & no more curries
Robin And Anne
Hi Pam
Glad to hear you had a good birthday! Hope you are having fun in Aus. Our travels are nearly over :-( Keep blogging
Wendy (Tennis)
Hi Pam
Hope you managed a Singapore Sling in Raffles?
Match today - did not do too well - missing you!!
Carry on enjoying your travels - I am so envious!
Wendy And Peter
Glad to hear you got in at Raffles. It would have been a travesty to have missed High Tea, and no point in visiting Singapore without going there!
Glad you are now in Australia with your friends. Have a fantastic time.
Lots of love xxxx
Pam Woodbridge
Thank you all so much for the messages. I had high tea at Raffles in Singapore for my birthday. The man at the hotel got me in as it was all booked up he also told them it was my birthday. They all sang happy birthday to me and i had a cake with 1 candel good job they didnt put the 21 candels on ha ha. Any way am now in carins waiting for my friends flight to arrive. Then we are off to paint the town red.
Once again thank you all
"Happy Birthday "Pam hope its one to remember for a long time to come. Sounds like you are having a great trip, look forward to hearing all about it. Take care Love Tessa and Jim xx
Carrie Harris
Hi Pam. This may well be the 2nd message you have from me today - not sure whether I managed to post the first one or not!?! Just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday. Sounds like you're having the most fabulous time - i am very envious! We are all missing you at the club but making sure that Alex stays out of trouble! Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your travels. Carrie x x
Wendy And Peter
Hopefully you will see this - Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Paammm. Happy birthday to you!
Thinking of you, lots of love. xxx
Andy (Son)
21 today!!!! amazing!
Haaaaaaaappy Birthday Mother! I have sent a parcel to Cec, not sure when it will get there but should be soon! love x
Liisa, Jon Morgan, Ryan And Dave
Happy Birthday Aunty Spam. Hope your having a loving time and getting ready for the next exciting part of your trip.