Your trip has gone sooooooooo fast!. It's hard to beleive that it is almost at an end. Can't wait to hear all about the last part of your trip. Missing you soooo much!
Smiles Liss
Jim N Caz
Well Pam who would have thought it all those months ago!! when you were starting to get very nervous about your pending trip!! :o) Looks like you have had one hell of an adventure. But all good things must come to an end and were all missing you. So have a wonderful last few days and wishing you a safe journey home. Luv N stuff
Jim n Caz xx
Hi Muuuum,
First of all did you win the football game and what position did you play, id like to think you played up top like me and scored goals of plenty...unlike me : (
the floating islands sound very cool but very odd.
Hope you have fun in the jungle and remember to bring me back a monkey of some kind : )
love you x
Wendy (Tennis)
Hi Pam
I cannot believe you will be back soon - the time has gone so quickly! Looking forward to hearing all about it (and having you back in our squad for the winter matches).
Enjoy the last part of your travels.
you'll be able to be a coal miner when you come back now that you have dynamite experience!
weve had our first bit of rain for a long time & looks like we'll be having more.
see you soon
Lyndsey Kirby
Hi Pam
Great to hear about all your travels. Looking forward to seeing you back at tennis next month.
Take care x
Andy (Son)
Hi Mum,
S.America sounds cool, the pics all look super too and i should have a few blown up by the time you get back.
You should start writing a book about youre travels, then become a multi millionaire writer and will no longer have to work in the city anymore, deal? done!
Love you lots xxx
Liisa, Jon, Morgie And Ryan
Hi Pamie.
We miss you heaps and the house is very quiet here without you. We hop you had a good flight and that you are having a blast in Chillie!!
Alex has just let me know that you arrive in one piece. Hope to hear from you soon.
Love ya heaps. Thanks for a wonderful 3 months, just wish it could have been longer, as it went in a flash!
Smiles and warm fuzzies to you
Alex (Son)
howdy mother,
im back home now, im bored already, im just sorting out the photos so get lissa to check them out on facebook.
are you ready for your next stage
Sue - Studley Tennis - Your True Home Ground
Hi Pam, wow!, how good your time looks in your world travels - good on you girl! - How good it would be to be there with you. I love the Aborigine paintings- to see the real thing - what a wonderful beautyful experience for you - what an honour! You must use your experiences in some way when you come back - what a rich woman you are.
Look forward to seeing you Pam as the fireworks are exploding in the air greeting you back to our autumnal shores. A meal with the updates is the deal, Sue x
Andy (Son)
Good blogging Mum how ever I see that you only talk to me as i you get cheap phone calls! cheeky git!
Good to see you have realised you need petrol when you drive though, Ive always thought its key to have petrol!
Hope youre having a wkd time and will speak to you when youre back from the soooooouwf! love you x