Hope you're still enjoying your travels, can only imagine how wonderful the whole experience will be. Wishing you a very happy birthday for tomorrow.
Love Tony, Julie and family.
Sue ;tennis
Hi Pam, your excursion sounds terrific - if only all your family & friends could share a bit of each stage with you!
Have you taken some good pictures ? - it would be really good to see them - though I expect you're spending the precious time just absorbing the atmosphere & sights of where you are as opposed to ITing. I'm glad you've got a good group - here's to the others.
Spring time is great here with plant life budding out, lambs in the fields, birds singing, sun shining! We're actually playing tennis 'till 8 without lights. Ann tried following Alex's instructions to get your latest travel details but unsuccessful - so I'll give her mine - Fenn did access it though - maybe that's the difference. Young ones would not take 'till May to succeed in IT communication, they're messaging all the time. I can text you no problems!
What I would give to be there with you. Total respect Pam! All the best - here's 'tll my next successful contact.
Sue x
Sue ;tennis
Hi Pam, your excursion sounds terrific - if only all your family & friends could share a bit of each stage with you!
Have you taken some good pictures ? - it would be really good to see them - though I expect you're spending the precious time just absorbing the atmosphere & sights of where you are as opposed to ITing. I'm glad you've got a good group - here's to the others.
Spring time is great here with plant life budding out, lambs in the fields, birds singing, sun shining! We're actually playing tennis 'till 8 without lights. Ann tried following Alex's instructions to get your latest travel details but unsuccessful - so I'll give her mine - Fenn did access it though - maybe that's the difference. Young ones would not take 'till May to succeed in IT communication, they're messaging all the time. I can text you no problems!
What I would give to be there with you. Total respect Pam! All the best - here's 'tll my next successful contact.
Sue x
Well, my bags are packed and I'm ready to go. C u in 36 hours for a birthday celebration!!! Oz is a lot more civilized than where u been (ha! ha!)
Kirstie (Woo)
Hi Pam,
How are things? I'm just sat with your son (bong) watching tv trying to decide what to eat. Where are you now? what you been upto? Happy Birthday for tuesday my love.
Take care & be safe pam
Ann, Dave & Lou
Hi Pam
Hope you enoying sleeping in a proper bed for your birthday!
We look forward to hearing all about Singapoe when you arrive.
Take Care
Tesco Joan
Hi Pam. So glad you are having such a good time - sounds a bit hairy at times though for my liking (chicken licken me). I don't know how often you get to see these messages so I too will wish you a very happy birthday. I have a very tame week's holiday next week then only nine more working days to go!! Love from Joan.
Pam Woodbridge
sorry about no pics yet i dont know how to do it.
maybe i will have better luck in singapore
Ian Southwell
Hi auntie pam sending u a birthday wish from all the family hope u are having a lovely time take care lots of love to u on ur birthday ian leia jordan danielle and levi
Ann And Roy
Hi babs giving u a big hug from ann and me for your birthday hope you are well love you lots happy birthday take care talk soon x x x x