I've only been back in the UK a week or so, and already have itchy feet, having a flick through your sight makes me want to escape the country even more and enjoy the life on the road once again! Looks like you are having a fantastic time and visiting some amaizing places.
I recently spent time in Chile, Bolivia and Peru, so I can recommend a few places if you like. There are some amazing sights in South America, especially Bolivia.
All the best and enjoy ever second of it!
Tesco Theresa
Hi Pam
Great to see all your photo's and to see you having a lovely time all the best for the rest of your trip
Andy (Son)
Hi Mum, great Blog, sounds really good however I think you may have left a few numbers out when you said you were 25 years older mwahaha!
Better get back to work : ( cold and wet down here today, so much for the summer! oh and a tube strike!!
Love you xx
Wendy And Peter
I take it you are still having a great time but it's been a week since the last update, where are the latest photos?
Lots of Love xx
Hi Pam
I have been looking at your photos. They look fantastic. I have send a CD of my photo's to Lisa for you to view. Yes you are in a few of mine as well. Hope to catch up with you while you are here.Sounds like you have been having a real good time. Well done Ann
Andy (Son)
Hi Mum,
Only played tennis yesterday didnt I!!! in the lovely area of Chigwell in Essex! really nice over there! How ever my mate went up for a smash, missed it and landed and broke his ankle so not so fun! Where are you at the mo please? seen Alex says its hot, down here its flipping freezing!
Love xx
howdy mother, that motorbike has a bigger engine than most cars!!!!!
i start at dfs tournament tommorow,
weather is heating up now (about time too)
Jim N Carol
Hi Pam
Sounds like your having a blast. so jealous!! Love the pictures, your def improving Thanks for the post card, it was a lovely suprise. Hope your next location is as exciting take care xx
Joan B
Hello Pam. Glad you are having such a wonderful time. I can no longer sign myself as Tesco Joan as I have retired at long last. A bit of good news for you - Clare ( Lett as was ) and Martin are expecting a baby in November! I did give her your website but as Clare hasn't been on to tell you yet I thought I would! We went to see Cathy the weekend to celebrate Seth's first birthday. Can you believe he is one already! Keep well and continue to enjoy your travels. Love Joan.
Andy (Son)
Hi Mum,
Flipping hot down south 28c in the common today, lovely! Think i may have to pull a sicky tomorrow and grab my self a tan! Say hello to the big rock for me! love x
Wendy And Peter
Looks like you're having a fantastic time in Melbourne. You're getting very good at this photography business - is it the start of a new career perhaps?? What an excuse that would be to continue with all your travels!
Lots of love, xxx
Wendy And Peter
I'm not sure where you are at the moment - I think it's still Aussie land - in which case what are you up to now? Knowing you and your taste for adventure I expect you're heading for one of those famous 'walkabouts'.
Lots of love, xx