hello mother, just had long day running a big tournament at beechwood tennis club & watching mens finals, what a match, theres massive murray hype over here because murray won one big match..... tennis public pffft.
not long till we get over there, me brett & lydia are going to get you skiing!!!!
Jo Messenger
hi pam,hope you are ok and enjoying your time in new zealand.you are missing a great wimbledon ,andy is into the semis.lets hope he can make the finals.all your friends at tesco.
Louise Merry
Hi Pam,
Hope you're still having a wonderful time. I've enjoyed reading about your travels :)
My mum & dad have got no internet connection at the moment so my mum's asked if you can email me your address in NZ & she'll write to you the old fashioned way (the only way she knows how!)
Lots of love x
Shirley Hickson
Hi Pam
I got your link via Margaret today. Sounds as if you had a great time on Monday night witha good spot of reminiscing. i did have a chat to Lisa a few weeks ago and she said that you may be up this way(check your map for matamata) some time in the school holidays. I am working shifts at the rest home- mornings or afternoons, no nights as yet thank goodness. So I am around in the daytime sometimes Do let me know what you are up to. Would love a catch up. I have several spare beds and I know heaps of grest tramps and places of interest arond here . I have lived in this little town for 25yrs.!!
Cheers, keep well and enjoy N Z
hi mommy woodbridge,
alex told me off for not coming on here, so he is actually watching me do this!!
Hope your having fun still, im going to have a good nose at your pics and stuff! Sounds amazing from what alex has told me.
Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks time!
hugs and kisses
Brett and Lydia xx
Wendy (Tennis)
Hey Pam - just back from very hot sticky match against Snitterfield which we drew 2-2. Some very dodgy line calls.......but what can you do!!
Looks like we might go back down - 2 matches left to prevent this!
Next time don't go away during the league season!!
Wendy And Peter
Hi Pam,
Coastline looks familiar – are you sure you were in Australia and not Cornwall??
Lots of love
hello mother
im off to wimbledon tommorow taking 30 kids OOPS!!!!.
you've had a dvd of nepal sent by 2 ladies/girls (let them visit home wink wink).
weather is getting better here.
your pics & blogs are getting a lot of hits.
miss you xX
Jo Messenger
hi pam,photos of uluru were great.enjoy new zealand.thinking of you jo and co.xx
Jo Mills
Hi Pam,
Been catching up on your adventure and thinking what a wondeful time you seem to be having. Internet at work slow so am going to check out pictures at home. Will pass the link on to the guys at work as Ram and I were talking about you today. Wimbeldon coming up so we were talking about Mart and then you and your travels. Enjoy yourself and take care.
Wendy And Peter
Loved the photos of Uluru; very artistic textures - you'll be entering photography events at this rate!
As today is Monday you will obviously have just arrived in NZ (land of Andrew's birth of course). Remember R&R; take it easy and enjoy yourself. Don’t overdo it with too much visiting and sightseeing, chill out and enjoy the ....plumbing, hot water, electricity, .....
Lots of love xx
Andy (Son)
Hi Mum, I imagine you're now in NZ! say hello to my fellow country men, love xx