Hey everyone, Just thought I would update everyone before I actually forgot everything that I have done in the past few days. I have decided that I don't think I like living in a Hostel, but it is livable... to many people living in the same room. I was living in a nice, manageable 16 bed room, but unfortunatly for some reason... they decided to move me to a 24 bed room... doesn't that sound like fun? It wasn't. So when I found that out, I was not happy, but, my new friends from Georgia decided to take me out.. I officially experienced my first night out in the Dublin pubs. Needless to say I got a little giggly, but had a good time. Made some new friends, with pictures to follow I hope. Saturday I went with Michelle to pick up her friend at the airport. Love Her! We had a great time... though to be honest.. Most of Saturday was kind of a blur I was so tired. I know there was a party that everyone went to at Michelle's but I left early. Sunday we went sight seeing. First stop was the Jameson Distillery, nothing beats a sunday morning than drinking whiskey bright and early, though this solidified my resolve that I don't like whiskey. After comparing JD, Jameson, and Scotch, I can honestly say that yes Jameson is smoother, but I still don't like it. I have a certificate that says that I was an official whiskey taster... yay I am an official alcoholic... lol, just kidding. After that we were going to go to the Christ Church to do a tour, but they were doing a service so instead we deicded to go have Thanksgiving sandwiches in the park... no, they aren't really called that, but it was the same idea, it was bread, stuffing, and turkey... almost as good as the same thing. After lunch it was time for the church, which was pretty cool, everything in it was so old, but very cool, they had pamphlets that you could pick up and would give you information on the things that you saw... There was an amazing set of organs which was quite large, the player had to climb a set of stairs to get to the seat. The choir started practicing just as we were about to leave, I have to say, that it sounded amazing. It gave me chills. Not somthing that usually happens in a church for me. Very cool. After we did that, we took a stroll to the Dublin Castle, and were going to go on a tour, but were running out of time so we only got a few pictures before it was off to the Guiness Brewery... Very cool, it was a self guided tour of seven floors, on the fourth you got a 1/4 glass of the beer then when you made it up to the gravity bar on the seventh floor you got a full one... though, Jailyn lost her camera and we searched and searched all 7 floors for it... only to get to the main one to find out that a very kind irish boy had been stalking us trying to give it back to her... What a nice boy. Thankfully we got it back. By that time we were so tired we didn't want to walk another step, so we splurged and took a horse and buggy back into the center of town... So cool. When we got back to the city center we had just enough time to eat a quick bite then off to the Ghost tour... It was great, we went on a double decker bus around town to cool spots with neat history, loads of pictures to come. We learned of Draculas origins that came from Dublin, saw Bram Strokers house that he lived in, heard some cool ghost stories, had a crash course in body snatching, all very cool, and highly entertaining. To top the night off we went to an Irish pub... though, not for very long, since my body was killing me from all the walking, and touring, and sight seeing... I went home to sleep. I haven't had very many excited days since then. Michelle left to go back to Canada on Tuesday. And next Monday I will be heading off to Galway to see the sights there, and see if I can maybe find a job there. I will have to see. I will keep you all updated though, and hopefully add pictures soon. Ciao
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