So I made the trek to Galway on Monday. I can't decide if I like it yet, the country side was amazing though. There are fields with stone fences, which was neat, which were also full of animals, which isn't normally a big deal, but there are certain people who told me that there wouldn't be many horses over here, but there were alot in the fields... plus, there was cows... I know i'm sounding like some poor city girl who has never seen animals before... but these cows had HUGE heads... like I mean massive... I also got the honor of seeing sheep, with ink spots on them... which was so strange I had to put the question out ther.. thanfully my dad had an answer. Which was good because my solution was that the farmers were playing bingo on their sheep or something.. My hostel here is ok. I have to trek up like 5 flights of stairs just to get to my room. but it is small, and there are only 8 beds. There was another Canadian girl there, Jill, but she moved into a flat today. We also met up with another Canadian guy, and a whole bunch of Auzzies... Someday I'll actually hang out with a true Irish person.. but I just don't see that happening. I'm thinking I want to do the tourist thing in the next few days, go to Aran Islands, go to the coast. I don't know for sure yet, but I'll figure something out. Still Kinda looking for a job, I have been told that its really hard to get a job here because of the economy but apparently all the locals say that.. so I will have a look, walk around town see what there is. I may just go back to Dublin. Who knows. But that's all for now folks. I will probably have more pictures to put up soon. Possibly ones of the country...
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