Arrived Geneva Thursday... Photies will be updated next week when reunited with camera which I left behind..
Festivities included:- Partying, Soaking up the uber-cool atmosphere of this city.. Finding out there was no Swiss language.. Instead the majority speak French well in Geneva anyway with others speaking French & German..
Strange laws include:- 1) Not being able to flush the toilet in a block of flats after midnight - hardly enforceable?! 2) Jaywalking/generally not waiting for the green man!!
Also you can hire bikes for free and just 1 hour by train to Paris!
Memories and buzz words: There was a tube stop called Bel Air with no sign of any princes fresh or otherwise! There was a bus stop called Bussy - ingenious!
Noone every checked your ticket on public transport!
Sieving was the thing to do working as an intern in Geneva...
Government workers - UN, WHO pay no tax! How cushy! And a pre-requisite for working at World Health Organisation is that you can't smoke! Well I suppose they are trying to promote worldwide health so anything else would be hypocritical..
Also Greenland is covered 85% by ice is a 3 1/2 hour flight to Copenhagen and a 4 1/2 hour flight to Baltimore, US and citizens have Danish passports... You see knowledge is power so Im spreading my new found knowledge!!
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