After a prolonged pause in our travelling adventures while Pam worked hard to top up the funds and I enjoyed a summer of sun, sport and ... well more sport, we are now finally back on the road again and heading ever northwards in the van to the wilds of Scandinavia.
Our journey began with the usual crossing to Dunkirk and we rocketed through France, Belgium, Holland and northern Germany to arrive in Denmark. We are leaving the exploration of Jutland for the return leg so have been working our way through Funen, Zealand and the surrounding smaller islands.
One of the highlights of our first couple of days was encountering the Danish Dubliners who were playing in a small town square we passed through. They could have passed for the real thing!
Despite the highly erratic and mostly wet weather our spirits have not been dampened and we've made the most of the breaks in the rain strolling round a myriad of quaint towns and have taken the bikes out on a couple of good long rides across the blissfully flat Danish countryside.
The Danes seem to be an extremely friendly if a little eccentric bunch. One chap we met, who was about to go and pull his fishing nets in, insisted on telling us at length about the price of eel and showing us the enormous gash on his head which some German tourists seemed to be responsible for, not quite sure how but he was not best pleased.
Having had a previous trip to Copenhagen and seen all the sights we restricted our return to taking in a mammoth herring buffet with over 10 different preparations of this famous Baltic fish, we discovered that while it is a magnificently tasty fish there is a limit to how much you can eat!
With our bellies full of herring we have now hopped aboard a ferry bound for Sweden and the next stage of our Scandinavian adventure awaits...
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