Hi everyone,
We really enjoyed our week in Perth but found it really strange not being in our van and using public transport!
We took the train to Freemantle and visited the Arts museum, did the prison and the round house tours, all very interesting. Then we visited the information centre and realising that we only had two days left, booked ourselves onto a coach tour to see the beautiful regions south of Perth. We had originally planned to spend our last week in Sam touring this area but everyone told us the weather was terrible, so we decided to stay up north as long as possible!
We had a wonderful tour of Margaret river area, visited the eagles sanctuary with a live display and we both got to hold a large kite. We went down the Mammoth cave, which was awesome and was just like a fairy grotto. We then visited the Cape Leeuwen lighthouse , where the Southern ocean meets the Indian ocean followed by some wine tasting at the xanadu winery (Pam bought some for the wedding!)
We enjoyed this trip so much, we booked onto another for the following day to the tree top walk, which turned out to be 950km and 15 1/2 hr trip! We had planned to tackle our packing as our stuff was still spilling out into the corridor! But hey, we still had one more evening! The tree top walk was amazing and really lived up to its name. Jan climbed the tallest tree ,the diamond tree, not to the very top though, as some people did! We returned very tired and still unable to tackle the packing!
Last day arrived, we packed up, ate up and gave the rest of our food to the youngsters in the YHA, much to their delight. Took a taxi to the airport, instead of the local bus as we had too many bags. We needn't have worried, as we checked in 9 bags with no problem and had 4 on our backs! Thank you virgin blue!
The round trip was over! Melbourne to Melbourne in 10 weeks! We have plannned this trip for many years and really never thought that we would ever get to do it! We've had the most AMAZING time, done all the things we wanted to do and more and met lots of lovely people along the way. Most of all, we enjoyed each others company so much as we still share the same sense of humour after all these years despite living so far apart. It really has been a trip of a lifetime!!!
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