Saturday 14th April 2007
Journal brought to you by Sophie
Today we had our first ever surfing lesson and I stood up on my second go!  So Jon and Matt you should be worried because when I get back and we go to Newquay I am going to be the best.  However it did all go down hill from then onwards and I could not stay on whatsoever. It was so much fun though despite the fact that the surf board was six times bigger than me and I could barely carry it.  We also got to wear these sexy rash tops which I think are meant to protect you from the board?s surface ( I bet you already have a designer one don?t you Matthew.  I may buy one so I look the part in Newquay and then show you up with my designer gear and fantastic surfing).  I was so exhausted by the end of it because I had to keep battling against the waves with this giant surf board and little ol? me.  It was hard work I tell you. No wonder surfers are so good looking and thin. Tami was also good and Chris, having had SIX lessons previously, finally managed to stand up for the first time!  WOO! I tell you it is our vibe ? we give out confidence.  We also caught Luke and Holly at the beach but they were doing their own thing.
We got back to the hostel and just had time for a two minute shower to try and calm the huge chafing that I had acquired from the surfing. Â Seriously I had the biggest blister between my legs ever from the sand and the water and the shorts all rubbing together. Â I had to put plasters on it later on it was that bad! Â
At 2:30 we went on this amazing thing called Scooteroo with Luke, Holly and Chris! It was so much fun.  Basically we rode mini motorbikes called Choppers for a 60km ride around the town of 1770.  it was wicked. It was especially funny when Chris drove into the bush when he first started off and the guy was shouting at him saying ?what are you doing man?!?.  I was wobbling around like nothing on earth and first but by the end of it I was whizzing around and overtaking people.  Don?t worry bother we were given a full safety briefing and wore helmets and pads all over the shop.  I did get up to 80km/h at one point!  REBEL! Mummy I want to become a Hell?s Angel when I am older.
We watched the sunrise with the bikes over the harbour then ate chips and maxibons on the rocks.  Once back at the hostel after a brilliant 4 hours Tami and I had to mentally prepare ourselves for the overnight bus ride we were about to take.  It was going to be hard going?. This was one of the best days of the trip so far- it was truly great.
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