Sophie And Tami Were Here
About Us
Monday 11th June
Journal entry brought to you by Tami
40 minutes after I finally got to sleep, I had to wake up to get the stupid taxi to the stupid airport. Our taxi driver was clearly mental, she was totally in love with her cats, and I've never seen more cuddly toys in a car. She also said that she could never be away from …
HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys, really quick note - mini update if you will - We're in China!! And it's awesome! However being so super busy we haven't had time to update the blog at all.....will do it when we get home. We've both been ill, Sophie has vomitted and my Bum has done the same, but we're both having a wicked time and can't wait to get back home and see you in less than 2 weeks! Back on the 5th July for those who didn't know or had forgotten.Just a few shouts out:
Ke - I …
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New blog entry posted
Beijing, China
Monday 11th June
Journal entry brought to you by Tami
40 minutes after I finally got to sleep, I had to wake up to get the stupid taxi to the stupid airport. Our taxi driver was clearly …

New blog entry posted
Auckland, New Zealand
Sunday 10th June 2007
Journal brought to you by Sophie
We were supposed to check out today because we were going to sleep at the airport as our flight is at stupid o clock in the morning. I n…

New blog entry posted
Auckland, New Zealand
Saturday 9th June
Journal entry brought to you by Tami
Sophie woke me up at 9.33am this morning by saying "Tam. It's 9.33." At first I was a bit confused as to why I should care abou…

New blog entry posted
Auckland, New Zealand
Journal brought to you by SophieFriday 08th June 2007Today we left Rotorua at the nice and lazy time of 11 to make our way to Auckland, for the third time this trip! It was a very sad occasion…

New blog entry posted
Rotorua, New Zealand
Thursday 7th June
Journal entry brought to you by Tami
Today was a wicked day! After nipping into town to get haircuts (Sophie's is hilarious, the woman just went snip happy and took out…
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Tamara has not added a travel plan yet
Jackie and John Settle Does you Dad know???? Glad you are having a great time.
re: Sophie and her prospective hubby