Ein Jahr in Braunschweig, A year in Germany! Now, this is art. I am no photographer - technically - but I challenge you not to enjoy the life, happiness and nomadicy (new word) in this collection of photos taken on an old Nikon with a 10 second timer balanced on anything nearby.
Ein Jahr in Braunschweig, A year in Germany! Now, this is art. I am no photographer - technically - but I challenge you not to enjoy the life, happiness and nomadicy (new word) in this collec…
Another holiday away from Braunschweig, south to Garmische, then through Austria to Italy. Venice, Grado, Udine and then across the Alps, Austria and back via Bergen, Bamburg, Wartburg Castle …
What a valuable cause...peace keeping. Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Risk based safety panel for integration into civilian NATO countries airspace for peacekeeping missions. Technical team…
re: First impressions of Braunschweigmaevemallin I love seeing u guys on video.this is maeve,dylans old classmate in ireland
re: The first monthmaeve Hi,I am ur old irish class mate,maeve.I read ur blog every day
re: Dylan and Rory's birthday partyAileen Hi Guys sounds like you all with Sidy are having fun x
re: the Granite Belt wine district+ Camilla's birthdaymacayle Milly,that puppy, is really cute and playfull
re: Visiting Sam and his family in Somersetdylan that train trip was really fun!!!
re: Visiting Sam and his family in Somersetmacayle im on the left
re: Irish dancingmacayle im on the right
re: Irish dancingmacayle dear reader i won 9 medals ,2 trophies and dad got one made for me in 2010 from macayle ps im in all the phtos
re: Irish dancingLittle Meliss Thanks guys, love the blogs (except I get too envious sometimes), keep 'em up....
re: Alghero, Italy. 276NMs from Tunis. A week of sun.Hirsch The Kombi grew
re: Free camping at pub, + a night in Kinnitty CastlePerksy Boy, the kids are growIng up! Looks great.
re: Free camping at pub, + a night in Kinnitty CastleAlice Clarke Looks lovely. :)
re: Free camping at pub, + a night in Kinnitty CastleTammy Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful holiday.
re: Alghero, Italy. 276NMs from Tunis. A week of sun.Darrin Hmmm. I can't see any circles....
re: Beara peninsular - McCarthy's Bar country