Well we've been home for over a week now and I"m finally getting around to completing my blog. We decided to cut our trip short and only travelled through Western Australia. We still did over 13000 km in 6 weeks. I have a new respect for the truck drivers that do this on a regular basis. I know I couldn't. By the end of the trip though the thought of travelling 800km a day didn't seem to bad. Instead of seeing a sign that said 5km and you think cool the trip is nearly over. We'd see signs that said 150km and I'd go cool only hour and a half to go.
Last day. I had breakfast and got Carey a Coffee from the breakfast room before heading out. Was looking forward to this last leg of the trip because after Port Augusta we were heading straight down the Highway into Elizabeth. Well soon changed our minds. The road from KImba to Port Augusta is okay but once the traffic from the two Peninsulas joined in things soon changed. Port Augusta to Port Wakefield was okay because you knew you had overtaking lanes coming up so you could get around the trucks and caravans. I felt really sorry for the truck drivers having to deal with the caravans on this stretch they would've had to be the worst on our whole trip. After Port Wakefield the road becomes two lanes. Should make for an easy trip you ould think. Might do if it wasn't for the ruts and potholes. My home state government roads department should be ashamed of this especially as its part of highway 1.
It was lovely to pull into our own drive and see 2 little faces at the window. nice welcome home. Then to come inside to find a welcome home balloon, chocolate and my favourite orchid. I think ur daughter missed us.
If we had to choose our best three experiences.
- Albany and it's war memorial
- Eight Mile Beach
- The Pinnacles
- Monkey Mia
- The Pinnacles
- Karratha and Stairway to the Moon
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