Another early(ish) start this morning. Not a great night sleep even though I was shattered after yesterday. I woke at 3.30am to something falling on my took a few minutes to register, jumped up outta the bed thinking it mite be some sort of creature on the hunt, to my relief it was drops of water from the air conditioning unit above our heads! Still couldn't get back to sleep straight away.
Woke again at 4.30.. Noise outside the door, still awake at 5 .. Alarm set for 7.05... alarm went off at 7.05, turned it off and... slept in! Woke at 7.50, bus for Taman Negara rainforest trip is at 8.30. Quick breakfast and off in a taxi to catch the bus at the Crowne Plaza hotel. In the rush for the lift to the lower floor I made a beeline for one that was open, the lifts are not sensor controlled as I soon found out.. much to the discontent of two of my toes! That has to be my bad luck over with now, 3 things in the space of 10 hours!
A 3 hour bus journey brings us to Kuala Tembeling jetty where we wait for the long boat to take us to our resort. After about 3 hours down the river we arrive at the floating restaurant where we get off and meet our guide Rusli, he will be looking after us for the next two days. We then head a few minutes up the road to the Woodland Resort.
At 8.30pm we go back down to the floating restaurant where Rusli takes us across the river border into Taman Negara for a Night jungle walk; we saw (by torchlight) 6 deer grazing and drinking at Tahan Hide, this is lucky as they usually sense humans and won't come out. It seems to be quiet tonight. This time of the year is off season as it is Monsoon in Malaysia and not many tourists travel during this time. Rusli tells us that it starts to get busy in April up to September where there us a constant flow if people coming and going across the river. I'm glad that it isn't crowded, it's a better experience. The weather is 25 degrees plus so it beats the winter in Ireland! On the night walk we also saw a few different species of crickets, termites (one which grabbed a hold of Marks finger.. that's what happens when you get too close) caterpillars, a couple of ant eaters, a jungle bird called a black cap, so called cos his head is black but his body is blue. We also saw an owl which is rare and a 15 foot Python which is even rarer! Mark even got to touch the Python just before it slithered away!
Thunder and lightening is starting up just as we finish the walk.. looks like it could rain tonight, hopefully it will have stopped by tomorrow morning for the trek up Teresek Hill!
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