Well it has definitely been one crazy adventure! 30 flights, 3 countries, 2 continents and 1 semester of a lifetime! I cannot believe I am sitting in the airport getting reading to fly back home after almost six months in this amazing country, which I have fallen in love with. I can't even find words sufficient enough to describe my experience and let alone summarize it into one blog post. I have fed the Kangaroos, jumped out of a plane, learned to surf, toured the Sydney Opera House, sailed/snorkelled The Great Barrier Reef, went sand boarding, found a Slovenian Home, camped out with the Aboriginal people in the Outback, went Bungy Jumping in the place it was originated, took a helicopter ride and climbed a glacier, road an elephant, took a Thai cooking class, was blessed by a Buddhist monk and on top of all of that some how passed all of my classes. I am sad to leave this beautiful place but I know I will be back (hopefully soon) one day, so for now "it's not goodbye, it's see you later." When I first decided I wanted to study in Australia I told myself this I wanted an adventure - and I would not change my experience for anything. Australia and the people I have met along the way have made an everlasting imprint on my heart. This semester has opened a whole new door of wanderlust for me, a desire to travel and experience world and the people in it and I cannot wait to see what my next adventure will be.
I am so grateful to all of your for supporting me along this journey, I cannot thank you enough.
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