Today unfortunately was time to leave Koh Rong Island. We could have stayed here for a lifetime but, with the fear of missing out on what is around the corner and knowing we don't have forever to travel, we decided to head down the coast of the main land to Kampot.
Lunch was had during a brief downpour back in Sihanoukville with Ben and Shanndara, followed by farewells as they headed for the capital, Phnom Penh.
While waiting for our local taxi to gain some more bodies for the journey, we had a great conversation with the restaurant owner and his family. We talked about the past in Cambodia, the religion, the alphabet and its complexity, and the hopeful future. Siobh was almost reduced to tears. It was a very special and eye-opening 'lunch' for us both. He was a fantastic man, who had very little, yet he still bought food from the corn on the cob lady who walked by, just because he is in a better situation than her and he feels he should pass on his very small wealth to his poorer neighbours.
Heart-wrenching stuff!
The taxi arrived, we jumped in and an hour later we were in Kampot.
A small riverside town bustling with people. Our choice of guesthouse was 'Olly's Place', a small cluster of thatched bungalows on the opposite side of the river from town. 2 (new types of) beers for today, Kingdom Gold, at $1 a can and Anchor Draught at 75cents a pint!!
We chilled on the riverside for a few hours. When we could be bothered we hopped next door for several beers and some grub.
Kampot has little to do, so it is more of a sitting around and watching the world go by sort of place. It's something we're getting used to and are quite liking. Sit somewhere comfortable, drink, eat and do little! Nice!
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