Travel musings from Sonia
My journey has begun!
Greetings to you all from Sunninglye Farmhouse-my aunty and uncle's place near the village of Bells Yew Green (about an hour's drive from Heathrow airport). It's a lovely day here today-the sun is shining and its around 22oC-very pleasant and so nice to be out in the fresh air after 22 hours in aeroplanes and 3+ hours in transit lounges. The flights were pretty uneventful-getting through immigration and customs at LA just so I could re-board another flight was a test of my patience!
Now my biggest task is to stay awake for the next 6 hours or so so my body clock can try and get re-adjusted....taking the dogs for a walk might be a good plan.
Sonia :-)
P.S. The photo is just a random one I found on this web-site. It doesn't really look like the villages around here but I don't have any photos handy of the area here ...
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